chapter 7 : shadowboxer

Start from the beginning

"Is Karen coming?" Y/n asked, running her hand through her hair and leaning back a little bit. 

"Is Vinnie coming?" Lip retorted knowing it was both of their faults that they didn't have any time with one another. "My point exactly," He turned on his heel and plopped down onto her bed. "So are we going to go?" 

"Give me five okay?" She said knowing she had to mentally proper herself to try and go outside even though that wasn't something she felt like doing. "What was Emmy doing when you came in?" 

"Um, smoking a six-pack" He joked causing her to hit him on the head, "Watching some cartoon, Frank is staying with Karen's mom"

"Sheila?" Lip hummed throwing his head back not knowing how to feel about the whole thing. "Wanna talk about it?" He didn't say anything flipping over on the bed and laying there. 

"No, I wanna go to the trains." He stated; taking a cigarette out of his pocket and placing it between his teeth. "Seems like you need it too." That was their spot, under the trains watching them go by with the lights shining down on them and the noise almost deafing. 

When she had finished getting changed, Y/n and Lip went downstairs; she was wearing jeans that had a butterfly print on the butt of them and a purple low deep cut teeshirt; with a tapestry fringe bag that had everything she needed inside of it. (Journal, loose cash, sunglasses, flip phone, water, pencils, snacks, crystals, and jewellery)

"New Jacket?" Lip asked as he watched her go over to the table grabbing a leather bomber jacket off of it. "Did you just get it?" 

Furrowing her eyebrows at all of his questions; "It's Vinnie's, He's letting me borrow it." 

"You two screwing or something?" He queried further. 

Her features grew immediately scrunched confused about where this was coming from, her glance fell in line with his own. "No." She shook her head not wanting to talk about her sex life with the one who took her virginity; she remembered it to her fault who wouldn't? 

It was both of their first times, not knowing what they were doing and just doing it to do it. Neither had feelings attached and both promised not to tell anyone that they were each other's first. 

"Where are you going?" She heard Owen's voice echoing as he walked back into the house from the backyard. "Lip your dad tried to break in yesterday, just so you know-" 

"Yeah, he's staying with a friend." Lip tried to get out knowing it didn't sound right that Frank had a friend he was able to stay with. "I'm just taking her to the trains that's all" he explained. 

Owen looked at Y/n trying to find something from inside her bag, "Okay, well stay safe- your mom shouldn't be home tonight" Biting the inside of her lip she was ready to just walk out of the house. 

"Emmy is sleeping over at the Gallagher's" Y/n pointed out knowing that she and her mom were arguing more hating that her little sister had to witness any of it. Lip agreed to let her stay with them till the storm calmed down. 


In just a matter of minutes, they strolled to the El bridge, a conveniently short distance from their respective homes. 

As they approached, the blaring horn echoed loudly above them, creating a cacophonous symphony. Lip's arm brushed perilously close to Y/n's, yet she managed to suppress any contact, her gaze fixed upward toward the radiant lights. A gentle smile adorned her face.

There was an inexplicable liberation amid the deafening noise, drowning out the incessant tumult within her mind. It was as though, for a fleeting moment, the medications coursing through her thoughts finally fulfilled their purpose, allowing her to momentarily forget her desire to remain ensconced in her bed, lost in inertia.

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