"I'm sure I'll get used to your presence."


Almost everyday, Loki would see you come and sit yourself in your usual spot. In the corner, on the rickety thrifted bamboo chair near a particularly sunny corner.

Loki began preparing your drink before you even sat down by the third week he knew you.

By the second month, he would accompany your oat milk latte with a freshly baked croissant on the house.

Today had been a little different though. You didn't sit in your regular corner. Loki's head evidently followed your form as you sat yourself on the bar counter near the register. 

"You're here?" Loki spoke, visibly confused.

"Yup." You said opening a document on your laptop, without one idea in your head on how to further the plot.

You sighed in resignation.

"I need human interaction if I'm going to finish this draft on time." Loki tilted his head at your admittance.

He let out a short chuckle. "A distraction, in a way?"

"Please. I'm having the worst writer's block right now."

Loki scanned the cafe, there were three other customers, all busy with their own work. They all had drinks and food, he didn't have to worry about serving them any time soon.

He took off his apron, folding it neatly before placing it on a free shelf behind the counter. Your eyes followed him as he sauntered himself to your side and plopped himself down on a vacant bar stool.

"If you weren't a regular," he spoke while turning to you, resting his elbow on the counter. "I would have ignored you by now."

"Well, isn't that comforting?" You said with an air of sarcasm that pleased him enough to be reminded why he was doing this for you.

"Alright. What did you want to speak about?"

"Nothing in particular," you replied. "Just something to make myself temporarily forget."

"I see," Loki bit his cheek, his eyes drifting to the ceiling. He felt the cogs turn in his brain. "Do you read?"

You nearly had to scoff. "Of course, I do. I have a worrying collection of classic literature."

Loki smiled pleasantly. "We seem to have found common ground."

You tilted your head. "Really? What do you read?" You were subconsciously leaning in, interested in whatever he has to say. You rested your chin on your open palm.

"The romantics and the gothics. Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde, the Bröntes, Ann Radcliffe— that kind."

You pleasantly hum in response. "Yeah. You do seem to be into those kinds of books."

Loki squinted. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, feigning offense, although it was nothing but playful teasing to keep you on your toes 

You grinned cheekily. "I'm sure you know."

"Do you do anything else besides writing?"

"I used to play the violin."

"Aren't you an accomplished being." Loki teasingly cooed.

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up. I was mediocre at best. What about you? Are you anything else aside from being a coffee connoisseur?"

"I do art."

Your eyebrows did a little raise of pleasant surprise. "What kind?"

"Mixed media on canvas. Although, I'm beginning to prefer oil paints these days."

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