Chapter 81: Commitments

Start from the beginning

I'm not sure what my face did, but I'm certain it looked strange.

"Are you alright? I know it's a lot and I was going to tell you about it but it all happened faster than I expected..."

"No, no. I'm fine. It's just... a lot. But, I am really happy for you, Seb. I think it's your true calling."

He was genuinely happy about this. He was beaming. I'd never seen him this excited about anything. Except when he found out I was pregnant.

"And there's one more thing."

How much more could there be?!

"I've put money down on a house in Aranshire. It's bigger than the cottage. I had planned on it only being a two-child house, but three will fit just fine."

"You... bought a bigger house?" I said with wide eyes.

"I did. I hope that's alright."

"That's more than alright, I'm just... shocked. This is a lot to take in at once Seb."

"I know. And I'm sorry for dumping it all on you right now."

I pulled him closer to me by his collar, pressing his lips to my own. "I love you. Thank you for taking care of us. All of us."

And then I learned really quickly just how difficult a set of twins was going to be, let alone Sallow twins.

When one stirred and cried, so did the other.

Sebastian smirked as he pulled away from me and helped me scoop up the two babies ready to feed them, helping lay one across each of my arms.

He pulled up a chair and resting his chin on the edge of the bed, his eyes moving between his two new babies, his hand gently stroking the back of their heads, relishing in the softness of their dark tufts of hair.

Just as the twins were satisfied and Sebastian took Archie and placed him back in the bassinet, there was a gentle knock at the door.

Sebastian jumped up to open it and I saw just a hint of the familiar smiling faces behind the door.

Ominis and Lawson with Eloise in tow.

"Hey, Ellie! I missed you!" Sebastian said, scooping her up and giving her the worlds biggest squeeze, like he once thought he was never going to be able to do it again.

Lawson and Ominis followed him in and sat down on a pair of chairs in the corner, Eloise jumping up on the edge of my bed, throwing herself into my arms.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense!" Lawson cried out, his hands outstretched like a toddler begging for a snack.

I held out Emma and Sebastian walked her over and placed her delicately in Lawson's arms.

"So it's a girl and her name is Emma Louise." Sebastian informed them.

"Two girls, huh? You're very outnumbered here, Seb." Lawson laughed.

"Well, I'm catching up." He said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What do you mean?" Ominis asked, his head cocking slightly.

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