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Liam can't believe Theo pulled that crappy stunt on him during prom? Does he know what affect that has on him?

Liam finally knows how he feels, and when he tells Theo, Theo wants to leave him. What is wrong with Liam? Why didn't he just tell Theo he loved him before?

But he didn't want to lie to him...

During the few days, Liam has been ghosting Theo. Ignoring his text, calls, and if he sees Theo, he walks the other way.

But one day, Liam doesn't walk away from Theo, and he immediately regrets it. While walking to the class building, Theo stops him, but Liam knows he can't just avoid Theo forever.

"Hey, can we please talk," The way Theo asks Liam, his voice is full of hurt. "You just can't keep avoiding me." Theo looks sleep deprived.

Good, he deserves it.

Liam glances at Theo and the ground multiple times, trying to come up with words to say. He still remembers what happened at the dance.

"I love you."
"I got an offer, and I'm going to take it."

"Look, I just don't understand why you can't stay here at this school. I get that your offer can make your life better, but you are going to drop out of school to join the NFL. You're leaving me. What we have is good, and you're just walking away."

"I'm not choosing the NFL over you, Li, I'm choosing the NFL because it's my future and my dream. You have to understand that."

"I do understand that! I just..." Liam takes a deep breath, blinking his tears away. "I just thought I was apart of your future too. We've been through so much together, and you're throwing this away."

"Those are not my intentions, and you know it."

"I have to go, I need time to think," Liam walks away from Theo as quick as he can.


"What do I do, do I stay with Theo or do I let him go, letting him follow his dream?" Liam asks.

"I think you should stay with him, while he's going to the NFL," Tierny said. "Make long distance work."

Tierny has come to visit Liam, after he called her begging for her visit. He knew his friends would say the some thing Tierny said, but he was hoping his sister would have a better option.

"Okay, I have an idea," she said. "Take a deep breathe, and focus on the things you want to do with Theo."

"How would that help?"

"Just do it."

"Okay, Nike," Liam said, as gets in a comfortable position on his bed, taking a few deep breathes as Tierny instructs.

"Now," Tierny's voice is calm, and soothing, making Liam more relax. "Imagine doing long distance with Theo. How does that make you feel?"

How does that make Liam feel? What he feels...? Liam feels weird. Having Theo away from him sucks. Ever since he has laid eyes on Theo, he can't seem to stay far away from him. But he tries to imagine his life without him...

It's not fun. Missing him, barely seeing him, barely texting him, other people liking him when Liam only wants him to himself. Very selfish of him, be he doesn't care, and he doesn't like it.

"...Now imagine your life with Theo, if he doesn't go to the NFL."

It would be more fun. Seeing him all the time, lots of texts, the late night drives, sleeping next to each other. So many fun things Liam would enjoy... But what about how Theo would feel?, Liam thought. Him being sad, is nothing Liam would want. The lies Theo would tell him saying that he's fine, knowing he won't be...

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