Chapter 32

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In Liam's dorm, Liam and Mason are sitting on Liam's bed, having a good conversation.

Then they advert their gaze to Tierny, as she sits down on Liam's desk chair, holding her plate of pizza.

"It's great to see you again, Tierny. Even though I think you should stay away from Liam because he is Theo obsessed-crazy." Mason said smiling.

How dare he?, Liam thought. Liam doesn't always talk about Theo...

"Mason!" Liam blurts, shooting Mason death glares.

"What? I'm just saying, I know she doesn't want to hear you talk about Theo twenty-four-seven."

"No, Mason, it's fine. Trust me. And I'm glad I'm here, I get to have more of a college experience. I'm excited for college," Tierny said smiling.

"You're excited for parties," Mason tells her.

Liam grins watching his best friend and little sister argue like siblings.

"Okay, maybe. But I get to live in a dorm and make some new friends."

"Dunbar siblings, back at it again, baby!" Liam shouts.

Mason and Tierny starts laughing.

Liam is happy that Tierny visited him while he's at school, and that she is staying a little more than just a few hours.

"Look, I know you don't want to be here all day being bored, so why don't me and you hangout..." Mason suggests. "...So we can wait for Liam to get back from his hot date." Mason teases as him and Tierny starts blowing air kisses at Liam, picking at him.

Liam rolls his eyes, sick of his best friend and little sister already. But they're not joking though, he is excited for his date with Theo.

"Ew! Stop! Both of you! I already feel bad for leaving you," Liam tells Tierny.

Tierny rolls her eyes. "Don't feel bad, I'm happy for you, besides like Mason said, I'm going to hangout with him today."

"Okay, but we are going to Kappa Sigma party, after, right?"

"That sounds like fun, it's been really boring at home. I just can't wait until a real fraternity party."

"Whoa, slow down, you're not even a senior yet."

"I will be soon," Tierny said.

Liam watches as Tierny twirls her pizza around her plate. He starts to get nervous.

"Are you okay, Tierny?" He asks her.

"Yeah, totally. I've just been studying hard so I can benchmark on my ACT, that's all."

"That's what I hate most about school, standardized testing," Mason said.

"Yet you never made anything less than a hundred, before." Liam says.

"Whatever," Mason said rolling his eyes.

"I'll be right back," Tierny said, setting her plate of pizza down on Liam's desk, and she goes to the wash room, closing the door behind her.

Liam notices something, and he gets Mason's attention by patting him on the shoulder.

"What?" Mason said in a whisper.

Liam moves his eyes to Tierny's plate of pizza.

"What?" Mason whispers again, being more confused.

Liam adverts his eyes one last time towards Tierny's plate of pizza.

When Mason finally gets is, his mouth goes to a 'O' shape as the two boys make eye contact with the bathroom door.


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