Chapter 19

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Liam actually took Hikari's advice and he goes to Juniors. He stands outside of the business, looking at his friends reflection through the glass. They look so happy, and he couldn't ask for better friends. Mason who is always by his side, Corey who is always there, Hayden as the confidant, and Hikari the supporter. Who needs Brett when he has people who will be there for him. No matter what.

Liam walks into the café, and he sits as his friends table, beside Mason. Mason looks at him and he hugs him Immediately.

"You came! Hikari told me she talked to you, and I was worried that you wouldn't come." Mason tells Liam with excitement in his voice.

Liam hugs his best friend back. "Of course I came. And I'm really sorry about what happened at Kappa. I want you to know that something like that will never happen again."

Mason breaks the hug. "I'm glad. Now, Hikari told us you had some tea to spill?"

"Yeah, tell us everything." Corey chimes in.

Liam sighs, thinking about what has happened during the time he wasn't talking to his friends. He tells them about the visit Allison gave him, how Allison wants custody of him, how he was almost expelled because of Theo, how Theo asked Nolan to get him kicked out of Kappa Sigma, how him and Theo had detention and how Theo told Liam that he liked him, and how Brett dumped him the previous night.

"What the hell? Liam, you use to be a good child, what happened?" Hayden asks with a laugh.

"College, I guess. I'm just happy that I have you four as my friends." Liam responds with the biggest grin on his face, that his mouth is starting to hurt.

"Speaking of Theo, I haven't seen him here in a while." Hayden states, as everyone — including Liam — agrees with her.

"Oh, I fired him." Theo's old boss tells them.

"What? Why?" Liam asks.

"Because he doesn't show up for work for a week, and when he comes back, he is late."

"Doesn't show up for work for a week? That doesn't sound like Theo."

"Maybe he didn't show up because he was suspend." Corey said.

They all realize as they look at Theo's old boss.

"Yeah he and I were suspended, Mr.Stewart was supposed to tell you." Liam tells him.

"I guess the kid wasn't lying. Hey, if you find him, tell him he has his old job back."

"Will do."

Theo's old boss goes to the back.

Liam's phone dings and he looks at it. "Just great, Mr.Stewart wants to see me in his office.
Along with Theo."

"What did you two do?" Mason asks him.

"Nothing! That I know of at least."

"Liam you tried to make the deans list, but you can't stay out of his office." Mason jokes as everyone laughs.

"Very funny Mason. I have to go, see you all later." Liam walks out of the café through the door he came in through.


Liam walks into Mr.Stewart's office, as he sees Theo already there. Liam glances at the desk infront of them, to see a ipad with footage of Theo throwing chemicals at Liam, Liam punching Theo, and Theo shoving Liam to a wall.

"I try, and I try. It seems like everything I do to help you two get along, it never seems to work. Just why? Why can't you both get along? You attack each other, you throw hateful words at each other. I'm sick of it, and I'm getting your parents involved."

"No!" Liam and Theo say in unison.

"You both left me with no option. You both act like little kids, so your gonna get treated like some. I already called them, and they are on their way."

Mr.Stewart's phone rings.


Liam and Theo nod and they leave at the same time.


While walking in the courtyard together, Liam and Theo aren't saying anything to each other, so Theo decides to break the silence.

"My parents can't come. They already despise me. I just wish things were different."

"Yeah, same. Do you ever think about what would happen if we never talked to each other?"

"All the time, but I know something will pull you into my life whether I like it or not, Liam." Theo stops walking to look Liam in his eyes. Liam does the same.

"I want you, and I'm sorry for all the terrible things I have done to you. I was an idiot, I hope maybe one day you can forgive me."

Liam doesn't say anything. He's quiet. He's looking into Theo's beautiful brown eyes that shines in the sunlight, his curly brown hair, and the beard that he doesn't really rock. Theo has actually left Liam speechless, and he is not complaining. But he can't get into something with Theo, his life is a mess as it is.

"Your boss said you can have your old job back." That was what all Liam said before he walks away, leaving Theo to stand by hisself.

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