Chapter 4

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Brett smiles that stupid smile. That smile could get anyone to do anything he wanted. Literally. That's how he passed all his classes.

"I can still hold you, Liam." Brett put Liam's hand in his. "I still love you."

UGH. Why did he have to say those words? Of course Liam wants Brett to hold him again. He hated Brett since the first day they met. But Brett kissed him one day, and they have been close ever since. But does Liam still feel the same way? Of course not! He's not gay. He thinks. Football guy was making him hard in class, he had sex with Brett. Is he really gay?

"Brett... I'm not gay. I don't like guys."

"I know. But I think what we had was something special. And you said it yourself, you missed it."

"I - -"


"Crap. It's Mason." Liam said.

Him and Brett starts to panic as they immediately stand with Mason and Corey walking into the changing room.

Mason looks at Brett immediately, and he goes into protection mode. Mason grabs Brett's shirt shoving him to the nearest locker.

"What the hell are you doing near my best friend?" Mason asks him.

Mason really came back to fight for their friendship? The relief Liam felt was better than any feeling he ever felt.

"Mason! Calm down." Corey said.

It didn't work.

"Hey, Mase. It's okay. He came to check on me." Liam tells him.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

Mason lets go of Brett.

"You may be cute, but I don't trust you."

"Wouldn't want it any other way." Brett walks away through the door they all came in.

"Thanks, but I was fine. I promise."


"We can back to apologize. We were wrong with how we told you to act." Corey said. "I hope you can forgive us."

"You two are my best friends, you can do no wrong. I forgive you both."

"Good, because they are about to tell everyone who made the lacrosse team."

"Then why are we still standing here? Go!"


On the lacrosse field, Liam, Mason, and Corey are running to the field as fast as they can. Liam accidentally bumps into someone, as Mason and Corey keeps going without noticing he stopped.

"Sorry." Liam apologizes. He looks at football guy.

"You're good." Football guy tells him.

"We have math together. Don't we?"

"Yeah, I remember."

Football guy smiles, he has teeth so white, you would think it's a piece of paper. His lips were pink, and looking very kissable.


But he is wearing his football uniform, and all Liam wants to do is kiss him, and feel his muscles.

"So, where are you headed?"

"To the football field. You?"

"Same. Going to see my coach to see if I made the team."

"Yeah, I saw your practice. You are really good."

"I was off that day."

"Yeah I kinda saw that too."

He said 'yeah' a lot.

"I was wondering if you knew Hayden?" He asks.

"I do. We go way back. Why do you ask?"

"Because she's friends with my girlfriend, and I saw her talking to your friend earlier."

Dang it. He does have a girlfriend.

"How about we rewind? Hi, I'm Liam."


They both shake hands. Theo has a good strong grip — I guess all football players have that strong grip. After their shake, neither of them move their hands. They just stay there, in each others grip.

Liam can feel the veins in Theo's hand, and he's pretty sure that Theo can feel his.


Theo immediately removes his hand, to look at his gorgeous girlfriend.

"Hey, you."

Tracy goes to his side, hugging him. "I missed you. You are about to be late to football practice."

"Oh, thanks. I'll see you later, Liam."

"Wait. You're Liam Dunbar?" Tracy asks him.

"You know him?" Theo asks her.

"Yeah, Hayden be talking about him to the girls. Let's just say, we're not very fond of you."

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