Chapter 2

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Theo has had a shitty life ever since he was born. He had crappy parents that cared more about drugs than him and his older sister, Tara.

Theo looked up to Tara so much. She was everything he wanted to be. Tara had the perfect grades, the perfect friends, and was good at anything she set her mind to. But as for Theo, it was the complete opposite. He was not that good in school, he didn't have friends, and he wasn't good at anything he set his mind to. Well, except for football. When he told his Dad that he tried out for football, and actually made the team. That was the first time his Dad had ever looked at him, with joy, excitement, and not once in disgust.

His parents had stopped doing drugs and they went to Theo's football games. They never missed a single one. Ever since Theo had joined, they had won every game. Theo had his sister, and both of his parents there.

Until one night, everything changed for the worst.

Theo failed his math test, and he lost his football game because he was distracted by the failing grade. His parents were mad at him, and they left. His sister stayed by his side through it all, and she didn't feel no shame for him.

She knew that school was hard, especially math. She tried to help him but he didn't understand it, he went to tutoring and he got good enough grades to pass the class, but it still wasn't good enough.

To cheer him up, Tara told Theo that she was gonna treat him to ice cream, and he instantly agreed. On the way there, there was a crash. Tara and Theo had gotten into one, by a drunk driver crashing into them. Theo was thrown out of the car, and Tara was still inside. Theo was in pain, calling, crying, and crawling to his sister. She wakes up and she looks at him. She starts to get out of the flipped over vehicle, but it explodes. With her still being inside. He watches as his sister burns to death, wishing he had the strength to get to her first and save her before the car exploded. But he didn't. He was so young.

His parents came to the hospital, to check on him. They didn't comfort him or anything, they blamed him for his sisters' death. If he hadn't failed that math quiz, and if he had won that football game, they could have been on the road earlier, and everything could have been avoided.

Theo was only 8 years old, so he took everything his parents told him into accountability. He blamed hisself, even while being in college. Even after 11 years of her passing. He still blamed hisself.

But one day, he decided to change. He started to take school more seriously, and football. He never respected his parents ever since.

Every birthday for Tara, he would go to her grave and put new flowers, clean the stone, and tell her about what's going on in his life. He never broke that tradition, and he never planned onto.

Theo was so good at football, he even got a football scholarship, he accepted it, and now he's at college. He has a job just in case something happens, and he needs money.

He is saving to buy himself his own house, and his own car. He doesn't plan on stopping until he gets what he worked for.


At college, in Theo's dorm, Theo's room is already set up. He had a dorm mate that was really disgusting, so he exchanged for a new one.

The other one walks in and it's Brett Talbot.

Brett is much cleaner than Theo's last dorm mate. He was hotter too. What is he saying? He doesn't find men attractive. He has a girlfriend, and he dated woman in the past. But something about how Brett didn't look like he had abs, but he actually did.

Theo wanted something he never desired from a man, and that was to be in a chokehold and to kiss him so passionately.

"Bro, you're staring?"

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