Chapter 26

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After weeks of talking with each other, Liam finally invites Theo to his house. Theo is nervous because he has never been over to anyone's house. Not even Mr.Stewart's — they always came to his.

As Theo is walking up Liam's steps, he takes in what's around him. The brick house with a red door, and a round driveway. The house looks stable, Theo thought.

He knocks on the door, and not a second later the door opens to show a strawberry-blonde woman. Who looks like she's in her early thirties.

"Hi," she greets. "My name Is Lydia, I'm a family friend of Liam's Dad. I'm watching over Liam for a while till his Dads gets back from their business trip, come on in." Lydia steps out of the way, with the door allowing Theo to walk into the house.

Once he is in, Lydia closes the door.

"So, whats's your name?" Lydia asks Theo, as she guides him where they are going.

"Oh, um, Theo." Theo responded. Could have sworn he saw a hitch of hatred in that woman's eyes for a split second.

"Are you sure?" She jokes.

Once they make it to a room, Theo hears his name.


"Well, I guess that confirms it." Lydia laughs nervously. "I'll just leave you all to it." She walks out of the room, as Liam walk up to Theo.

"I'm hoping she wasn't much, Lydia can be a lot at times." Liam said, to Theo, but he shakes his head.

Theo looks around the room with brown walls, a light colored couch, a big tv, and a lot of random junk on the floor. For sure it's Liam's hangout spot.

Mason, Corey, Hayden, Hikari, and Tierny walks in sitting on the couch.

"Perfect, he's here." Mason smiles.

Theo doesn't say anything, all he does is smile his little smile, and chuckle.

"He's so nervous he doesn't know what to do." Corey said making the others laugh.

"Shut up and leave him alone." Liam said. "Theo, the reason I asked you to come here is because Mason had an idea for us to do something for no more school shootings in the future."

"Yeah, we go to school to learn and be with our friends, not worry if it's going to be our last day on Earth." Mason states. He stands up turning on a tv to show a presentation.

Liam laughs, as Theo feels a pull — it's Liam dragging him and Theo — to the couch. Once they are sat, Mason starts.

"So, we all know that we have been in the school shooting, except for you Tierny." Mason said.

"And I'm hoping that it will never happen." She says.

Everyone agrees. Theo is still quiet, feeling out of place. They all have known each other for so long, and Theo is the new person just added.

Mason presses a button on the remote to go to the title slide.

"Preventing school shootings is a serious topic. Here are five important steps to promote school safety...." Mason presses a button for the next slide to show up. "Slide 1. Encourage open communication between students and adults. We all know that the government isn't going to doing anything about it, so now is our chance to start something to save our future generation. Slide 2. Implement effective anti-bullying programs. Bullying is one of the main causes of school shootings. We all have been taught that bullying is bad our whole lives, but no one seems to take that into accountability, maybe we can change that. Slide 3. Enhance mental health support services for students. School is one of the main causes of mental illness, if we dial down the school hours and work loads, maybe things can change."

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