Chapter 21

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He walks in the wash room, with it being empty. He goes into a stall, closes the door and does his business, once he is done, he walks out of the stall and goes to the sink. While he is washing his hands, he hears the door open. He doesn't pay no attention to it, until the person finishes their business and comes to eyesight.

Great, the person was Liam. Exactly what Theo needed at the moment. Well, now that he's in the wash room, Theo might as well talk to him.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Theo asks him.

Well they are in the bathroom together, so Liam might as well answer him.

"What do you mean?" Liam asks.

"I thought you would have at least punched me or something. But you didn't. Does that mean you forgive me?"

"I - -"

Before Liam can answer there is a big bang and a girl screaming that grab both of their attentions.

"What was that?" Theo asks.

The big bang comes again and that's when it clicks in Liam's head that he's in a school shooting. He run towards Theo, grabbing him by the hand and they both run into the same stall. Theo slams the door shut, locking it. They both step inside the toilet, not wanting to be seen or heard.

The gun shot noises keeps going and it's getting louder. Liam and Theo are silently crying. Liam gets his phone out and he texts Tierny 'I love you.' Liam looks at Theo shaking, so he grabs his hand trying to keep him calm, when they hear the bathroom door open.

They immediately become still and quiet. They see someone walking with black boots, opening every stall door. The person stops at their stall and they try to open it, but it's locked.

Liam's eyes widen, as the person kicks the stall door open with their foot.

Liam makes eye contact with the gunman.

Then there is a big bang with two thuds.

Liam and Theo falls to the ground, sighing in relief when the gunman is lying on the ground, dead.

The police officer that shot the gunman, walk towards the stall.

"Are you two alright?" He asks them.

Liam is speechless, he looked into the eyes of a person that looked soulless.

"Are you two alright?" The officer asks again, knocking Liam out of his thoughts. But before Liam can answer, Theo does.

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Alright, I'll stay here with the both of you until we double check every area of this school." The officer tells them.

A few hours later.

While walking out of the school, being surrounded by policemen with their guns out, Theo has his arms wrapped around Liam, keeping him safe while Liam is crying on his shoulders.

Once they made it to a safe ground, Theo noticed how Liam saw his family. He lets go of Liam, even though he didn't want too, and he watched as Liam run into Scott's arms.

Theo felt like crying, not because he didn't have any family, because Liam almost had gotten hurt. If something had happened to Liam, Theo wouldn't forgive hisself.

Soon, Theo sees Mason, Corey, Hayden, and Hikari join Liam and Scott's hug. Theo doesn't feel left out, because the only thing on his mind is Liam and the comfort he has.

But he decides to check around him, seeing the parents of the kids that died during the shooting. Crying, hugging, screams. All happening at once.

But one scream in particular catches everyone's attention. They all look at Mr.Stewart on his knees, on the ground crying.

Theo decides to be a good person to go check on him. As he approaches Mr.Stewart, Theo asks him is he okay.

Mr.Stewart shakes his head. "It was Tracy... Tracy was the one who did this." His cry muffled what he was saying. Did Tracy really do this? Why? Where did she even get the gun? Why would she hurt innocent people? So many things were going on through Theo's mind he didn't even notice Liam was beside him.

"Hey," Liam said.

"You okay, Li?" Theo asks him.

"I'm fine." Liam responds. "Did Tracy really do this?"

"Afraid so."

The silence between them was weird, quiet. Not because they almost died, it's because Theo still couldn't believe he confessed his love for Liam during detention.

"Liam?!" Theo heard Scott call for.

Liam sighs. "I have to go, but I hope we can talk soon."

"Same." Theo agrees. Theo watches as Liam walks to his family, and they disappear into the crowd.

All Theo wanted in that moment was to run after Liam, and kiss him, and wanting to feel him. But he didn't. He couldn't.

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