"I was," A voice said from behind them, and they turned to see Glinda stood there, "Before I was banished here."

"Where's Maverick and Regina?" Athena asked.

"I'm afraid your traveling companions have hearts heavy with vengeance," Prince Charming glanced at his sister, seeing the saddened look in her eyes at the mention of Glinda's words, "Only a good witch may pass through my door," Glinda said.

"Oh, I'm not a witch. My name is-," Snow White began.

"I know who you are," Glinda interrupted, "I've heard many tales of your bravery, and now you hold not one pure heart, but two," She nodded to Snow's pregnant stomach, "I sense powerful magic there."

"That's why we're here," Snow White said.

"We were told your light magic could help defeat the Wicked Witch. We've come to ask for your help," Prince Charming told her.

"I'm sorry. My magic is not powerful enough to defeat Zelena or El," Glinda told them, "It never has been."

"You know her/Who's El?" The Charming Sibling's asked, simultaneously.

"Zelena and I were friends long ago, when things were different. But she made her choice, she gave into her dark magic. I tried to stop her, but I failed," Glinda told them, "As for El..." she let out a sigh, which they noticed to be an almost heavy hearted one, "Her name's Elphaba, she's my sister. Much like Zelena, she was set on wanting vengeance."

"We haven't heard of this Elphaba," Athena said.

"That's because Zelena banished her in a different form. You see, El was like a motherly figure to her, and once Zelena found out the truth, she was heartbroken," Glinda said.

"There must be someway to stop Zelena," Snow White said.

"There is," Glinda answered, "She was born with great power. Long ago, I gave her a pendant to help focus it. Her magic has resided inside of it ever since."

"So, if we can remove it, she'll lose her power and we can defeat her?" Prince Charming asked.

"But, only a purveyor of the strongest light magic will be able to accomplish such defeat," Glinda told them.

"Light magic?" Snow White questioned.

"Magic created from love," Glinda said.

"The twins," Snow White said in realization, "Our children. They're the products of true love, they're the Saviors."

"If they're as pure and powerful as you say, then yes," Glinda nodded, "They, and only they, can defeat Zelena."

"But they're not in this land, and we can't get back to them," Athena mentioned.

"Then I'm afraid your quest is futile," Glinda said with a slight shake of her head and eventually disappeared, leaving the trio there.

"Actually, there is a way," Snow White said, making the Charming Siblings turn to her, "But there's a steep price."

"No, Snow," Prince Charming said, knowing where she was headed with her idea.

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