Discord and outcome time!

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Korosensei gets red and blue paintballs for the class

Korosensei: red for those who feel I must be liquidated, blue for those who beg too differ before we begin I want each and everyone of you to state their position clearly and choose a colour then after battling it out in the mountain side like civilised human begins the winning team's opinion prevails

Absolutely no grudges allowed seem fair

For the record whatever the outcome I respect your decision provided you defend it with everything you have you are all a family I can't abide with students to be at odds with each other if you truly care about me, promise what we've built here won't crumble into discord

Isogai: well guys

They all nod

Isogai: right let's do it too kill or not to kill

They all pick their colour all that's left is Kazuto

Nagisa: so Kazu you are the only one left

Kazuto: yes I am and I've decided I'm going to go at this solo

Korosensei: I figured this would be your decision so I prepared this

He tosses Kazuto a case of purple paintballs

Kazuto: if I end up winning then I'll decide at the end but until then

You guys are facing kirito the assassin hunter

Karma and Nagisa: ok then bring it on

Kirito: I was planning on it I think of you all as part of my family one of you is officially part of my family and another one I owe of you I owe more to them than I could ever hope to give back so that's why I'm doing this because picking one side or the other would mean going against someone who I'd hesitate to strike down

Kirito then disappears into the mountain side

He then sees okano and justice take out kayano

Kazuto smirks and licks his lips

He jumps from tree to tree swinging like a Damn monkey and then lands behind okano

And slices her back with his katana

Okano: Ahh!

Justice: okano what is it,

He sees Kazuto with a gun

Kazuto: jackpot!

He blasts justice right in the chest

Justice: dammit

Kazuto: don't get so cocky this isn't just a game we are all playing for keeps

Bye now

Kazuto then runs with the mountain side again and this time sees Hara setting up a trap

Kazuto: Heh let's shake things up a little

He then is running through and comes up behind Hara

Kazuto: Heya

And in a splash of purple she's gone

Kazuto then has to dodge a barrage of bullets

Kazuto: (ugh rinka!)

He dodges another shoots back getting paint on her Lens

Kazuto: (Damn couldn't get here out but that's enough of a distraction)

The blue team is down five to seven in favour of the red team I've taken out two red teams and one blue team

Kazuto right now isn't focused on killing he's focused on staying alive because as good as he is he can't dodge a sniper like Chiba

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara