Spinning time

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Kazuto is relaxing in class

Itona reveals is technological expertise

He also reveals korosensei weak-spot in under his tie right on his heart if they attack there korosensei is done

All the perverts work together on a remote control tank over a couple of days

The tank gets attacked by a weasel

They eventually get caught by the girls

Kazuto: for what it's worth I really haven't been doing anything

Ritsu: it's true he's mostly been taking naps and training outside the last couple of days while they've been working on this

Kazuto: thank you Ritsu

Ritsu: anytime 

Rio: it's pretty obvious when you think about it he wasn't involved because he knows I would've killed him if he was 

Kazuto: yeah exactly

Meg: fine Kazuto's off the hook

Okano cracks her knuckles: but the rest of you are still gonna pay

Kazuto: phew (that was close Rio is scary when she's mad)

The girls start all shouting at the boys

Itona: Hey Kazuto I'm going to ditch wanna come with

Kazuto: uhh sure why not

Later they are talking about what their names

Itona's name means becoming thread

Rio: Hey Kazuto what does your name mean

Kazuto: well it varys but my first name can mean things like "person at a certain time or alone person" which I guess they predicted the future with me becoming an assassin

Meg; that's pretty cool actually but what are Karasuma I'd love to know what mr k's name translates too

Kazuto: hmm I think it means Crow or Raven

Rio: epic is your name could translate to A sole Crow 

Kazuto: you could call it an attempted murder

Kayano: ok that joke was just bad

Kazuto seems to get depressed: the one time I try an actual joke it falls flat

The class laugh

Turns out masayoshi's name is actually justice

Kayano: I thought your name was masayoshi

masayoshi: yeah if you right it out in kanji but my parents insist or saying justice korosensei's just nice enough to say it my way

Sugaya: when they called you at opening ceremony I got nervous hearing them yell justice

justice: yeah! No kidding I know and when they do it again at closing ceremonies it'll be even more humiliating, when I was a kid I'd complain about having a weird name but mum and dad would just get all upset at me they didn't put a whole lotta thought into the kind of hell they where setting me up for once I started going to school

Kirara: you can't expect parents to have your best interests at bear does a cute name like Kirara match this face seriously? My name makes me sound like a sparkly princess my mum lives in her own little fantasy world when the least little thing threatens to break the illusion she goes into full blown hysterics you have any idea what it's lik growing up in a house like that well it doesn't make living up to ridiculously adorable name any easier

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now