Decision time!

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Korosensei explains his past I won't write it because I don't want too

Kazuto just sits down and listened since this is going to be a long story

He reveals that the other reaper was his student

Kazuto: (alright that makes sense)

He keeps telling his story

Including his connection with the Aguri yukimura

Kazuto tears up a little bit when he hears about the first time they knew one another touched

And the he gets to the point where

He finally is learns he's going to die and take the entire world with him by the process of self detonation so he breaks out and goes on an unstoppable rampage

Then he's told about how Aguri died she is shot through the chest by a part of the security system that hadn't been destroyed

And that's when he changes he went from being the heartless reaper...

Korosensei: Then he finally understood her many faults where part of her charm

To becoming E Class's unkillable teacher


Korosensei: that's my story boys and girls the person who taught me how to be a teacher was none other than Aguri Yukimura she taught me to truly look at people to respect everyone as an equal not to define human begins by their weakness, she was wonderful through her I found my purpose in life I evaluated my experience collected all the knowledge I could and prepared to pick up where she left off I vowed to use my abilities to the fullest to past the gift of personal growth onto you the question was how
How best to reach her cherished E class I racked my Brian day and night and suddenly it came to me an entirely new kind of learning environment The assassination classroom

Kazuto: (wow)

Kazuto's mind floods with memories of everything that happened over the past year

Kazuto: (So we need to kill one of the only people who has ever believed in us)

Then we go to January sixth and none of them had thought of assassination plans not even Kazuto

He's on the top of the roof and just thinking letting the winter wind blow through his hair

Later in clas again

Korosensei: ok class third term is upon us I want everyone to play hard and kill hard

Everyone is really bummed out

Bitch: an assassin can't afford to be reckless we don't kill out of greed, we don't kill out of desperation, we don't let ourselves become animals 

Hinano: professor bitch

Bitch: our feelings are always the first target only when there cold and buried do we train our hearts on the second that's the cost of doing business and it's high take my word for it whatever you kids decide think i through first feelings are hard to kill but there a lot harder to resurrect

Kazuto: yeah she's right believe me I went through it enough times to know that for sure and she's killed more people than I have by leaps and bounds  it here's the question what are we going to do now

Nagisa: Actually Kazu I've got an idea for that

Later Nagisa has called them all together

Kazuto: alright Nagi what did you need to say

Nagisa: right! There is something I needed everyone here to talk about

Yada: we're listening

Nagisa: I'm not even sure it's possible but instead of killing koro-sensei I think we should try and save him

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now