Outer space time!

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The next day

Takebayashi: to put this in general terms what about world leaders? Is assassinating korosensei their only game plan I doubt it bare in mind the main goal is to save the earth from certain destruction they can't afford to unilateral, it's highly likely they've explore options that don't involve killing him why don't we look onto what those options might be

Karasuma: he's right, there are research facilities all over the world dedication themselves to the problem, 24/7 needless to say that work is highly classified finding out what they know, will be next to impossible

Ritsu: infiltration of the project database, complete

Karasuma: What the..!

Ritsu: if it's online I can access it no problem what can I saw Ibe learned a lot in the last year

Kazuto: Awesome!

He runs to look at it

Kazuto: wow every lab in existence has to be on this thing

Isogai: jackpot

Ritsu: uh oh I've combed through all the files but I'm not seeing any trace of the information we need

Isogai: I guess the higher ups only hand off that stuff in person

Maehera: great so is anyone even doing research on how to save korosensei

Fuwa: Guys look there's a lab in the us preventing destructive antimatter chain reactions due to tentacle cell aging and fission I'm no. Scientist, but that seems like a definite hit me last samples returned from ISS on January 25th

Kazuto: Wait ISS the international space station!, there conducting their research in outer space

Okuda: um it's possible certain Types of research required zero gravity what a perfect vacuum, and well of course if there's a chance, it could cause a big catastrophic explosion they'd be way less collateral damage

Isogai: couldn't we just ask for the data as colleagues

Karasuma: you could sure, sadly you kids are just one outpost among many with all the red tape involved, that date I might not make it in time

Kazuto: well then I know what my dad is thinking don't worry killing him is still the back up plan

Karma, he's right though we'll do whatever it to save him and if we can't we'll stick to assassination won't we Nagisa

Nagisa nods: that's been our understanding from the start

Kazuto claps his hands: well if we can't get the data by asking for it so why don't we just go up there and get it!

The class seem surprised but then they all nod

Karma: but first we need a blueprint how serious are the rules we're about to break

Korosensei tells the other teachers to leave for safety reasons

Korosensei: so what you need to do is get a quick peek at the data before it reaches America from outer space

Isogai: yeah but how

Korosensei: now indeed looky looky look where this streamlined bucket of bolts os headed

Itona: is that a unmanned rocket

Korosensei: precisely a proof of concept craft developed right here in Japan test dummies have been given the honour of taking the first trip but what if they were replaced by actual people?



The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz