Ball game tournament time!

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Sugino: Ahh the crappy weathers finally over

Nagisa: it's going to get hot soon

Kazuto: ahh yeah lovely warm weather perfect for taking naps under a nice tree

Sugino: I'm going in the opposite direction now about being more actbge

Nagisa: sounds good you know I'm game

Kazuto: depends what it is

Karma: we'll what would you three say to some fishing

Nagisa: fishing thay sounds like it could be fun what's in season

Karma: in summer deliquents are out in droves use Nagjsa as bait as and there's no limit to how many of the bastards we can shake down

Nagisa: I didn't realise delinquents had a season

Kazuto: so a summer of beating up stupid arseholes sounds like a lot of fun

Karma: Hehehe

Sugino: seriously though let's do something

Nagisa: there's always the beach

A lot of stuff happens with the baseball team but let's just say it pisses Kazuto off


They find out the boys are playing in an exhibition game against the baseball team

It continues from there

Maehara: we should ask Sugino for some pointers after all he's the baseball guys what do you say man Amy tips

Sugino: not to be negative but we're screwed like royally the kunigogaoka team has Shindo as their captain dude can throw a fast ball like no bodies business high schools are already scouting him it's not even fair not gonna lie though I'd give anything to beat him and not just put up a good fight I want to beat the arrogant S O B at his own game baseball is was my first love it's my life I took getting kicked of the team to understand that the odds aren't but in our favour but

Korosensei: swing battah-Battah sa-wing battah

Sugino: oh right, I forgot you don't need much persuading when it comes to anything baseball

Korosensei: I want to be the feisty, no-nonsense coach in sports flic since whenever don't worry I won't push you kids around but I've got a table to flip

Sugino: you put a lot of thought into this

Korosensei: i've watched all of grow more focused on which direction you'd like to head in lately and it's been marvellous whatever the games it's always kill, win and to reward that fighting spirit coach koro will teach you a strategy guaranteed to secure out victory

Kazuto has a super fire in his eyes nothing motivates him more than proving some arsehole wrong

The match starts

Kazuto: so what's korosensei up too

Nagisa: he's over there mr Karasuma said he can't draw attention to himself so he's using forced perspective to look like a baseball he'll signal us with the colour of his face

He changes from green to purple to orange

Sugino: so what did that mean

Karma: Hiya teach great disguise

Nagisa: uhh kill the opposition

Itona: good advice treat the other time like our target and we can't go wrong this will be excellent practise for when we final,y assassinate korosensei right

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