Transfer student time 2nd period!

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Korosensei's head is super big

Korosensei: ok it's time for home room boys and girls please take your seats

Kazuto: (well alrighty then)

Ritsu: korosensei could you please tell us your head is currently 33% larger

Korosensei: well you see it soaks up moisture like a sponge with all the humidity

Kazuto: (gross)

Korosensei gets rid of all the water: now according to mr Karasuma we have another student joining us

Maehera: great ten to one it's going another assassin

Korosensei: I made a bit more trouble for myself underestimating Ritsu so rest assured I won't be making the same mistake twice but I hope you look at this student as another potential ally

Hara talking to Ritsu: hey heard anything I mean since you transfers have to stick together right

Ritsu: actually I do know a little bit the original plan was for he and I to start at the same time but it didn't work out that way
I would handle long range attacks he would focus on close range our combined efforts would've back korosensei Into a corner expect our masters recalled the orders for reasons

Hara: yeah and those where

Ritsu: for one mt counterpart needed a few tweaks before being put into the field and sends it seemed I lacked the capacity to support someone of his skill compared to what's he's capable of let's just say that I don't quite measure upp

Kazuto: (ok this guy sounds intense, interesting)

The door open and stood there is a tall man covered in a white cloak

Okano: uhh okay

Meg: somebody likes to wear white

Okano: he's uhh kind of tall for a kid

He suddenly makes a dove appear

?: Hahahaha sorry everyone I can see that you're confused, but I'm not your new classmate just his guardian but let's not stand on ceremony just call me shiro ok

Kazuto: well that's an on point name

Turns out korosensei was scared enough to use the liquify trick

Korosensei: my mine just ran a little wild after ritsu's story, nice to meet you mr Shiro when might we get to meet your uh ward

Shiro: it's an honour korosensei apologies for my ward as you call him being late for class, I beg your patience. He will be here in due course when the time is right.

Kazuto: (this guy is really weird)

Korosensei: something wrong

Shiro: not at all I'm sure he'll fit in perfectly let me introduce him now Itona COME!

The wall behind them smashes a boy walks out of the dust and casually sits on a chair

Itona: victory is mine I have proven myself stronger than the classroom wall


Itona: only strength matters everything else is crap

Kazuto: (whatever I bet I could do that)

Shiro: I give you Itona Horibe or if you prefer just Itona

Karma: hey new kid you came out in from the rain without an umbrella it's raining buckets out there yet somehow there's not a drop on you what's the story with that

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