Trust time!

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It's the day of the acceptance letters

Kazuto, Nagisa, Professor bitch and mr Karasuma at the table

Kazuto and Nagisa rips theirs opens

Kazuto: Heh Lokks like I did it! What about you Nagisa

Nagisa: I..I I GOT IN! Oh thank god that's over

Karasuma: well then k thinks it's time we celebrate huh

Professor bitch: oh yeah I bet you anything that the octopus has something planned

Kazuto: definitely

Nagisa: that's a suckers bet

Kazuto calls up Rio

Kazuto: Hey what did yours say

Rio: Well I got in! Looks like we are going to be having some high school adventures

Kazuto: I wouldn't have it any other way..ugh I love you

Rio: easy tiger no need to say it all the time but I love you too

They both hang up

His family is seen smirking at him and he just blushes and glares

Kazuto: shut it let's just go to school


korosensei: Congratulations all around well done, those second blades twinkled, everyone was accepted into a top tier school of their choice, you'll be entering into freshmen year like the rockstars you are, ah what a joy to have this weight off my shoulders

Rio is sene singing her arm around Kazuto's neck 

Korosensei: we are meant to begin the final round of career coinciding sessions today but there's something I'm rather keen or doing before hand what might that be to mark such a joyous ovation 

Editing of course

Students: say what!

Korosensei: oh yes we will be commemorating E class with a special Year book

Nagisa: you're putting together a year book just for us

Korosensei: yes!

Hinano: oh that's right we didn't get to have any pictures of you for the regular one mr Karasuma stood in as the e class teacher

Yada: not that we didn't appreciate that but it did kind of suck you weren't in a single shot

Chiba: he managed to photobomb a few under the radar actually

Sugino: makes it look like the schools haunted

Korosensei: precisely why rely on those pictures for memory when we have these
A whole year of student teacher selfies 30,000 strong now let's search through and find the best ones together

Kazuto: this is really weird

Kirara: anyone else creeped out

Rio: and if it so happens we absolutely hate pictures of ourselves are exempt

Fuwa: seriously

Kazuto: yeah she's not kidding

Rio: my eyes are too small

Kazuto chuckles

Korosensei: not to worry I've taken the liberty of using the big eye filter for maximum cuteness

Rio sarcasm: wow that's so nice of you

Sugino: you know the shots they used for the regular year book are sort of by the numbers

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now