Talent time!

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Kazuto is training his arse off

When he sees

His dad use an actual block on Nagisa

Kazuto: Heh I knew it

As for what Karasuma says about his own son well

There's nothing that needs to be said Kazuto has been training against his dad for most of his life

Kazuto is training one on one with his dad

Kazuto's speed and lighting fast reaction time make him a force to be reckoned with while his physical strength is up there with karma

He uses two strategies when it comes to fighting

Assassin style
He waits for the right moment to strike and then deals the decisive blow

But there's also
Berserk style

Where he truly lets loose and overwhelms his opponent when unbelievably fast and powerful strikes and then when his opponent's guard is broken the blade comes out and the kill is done

Neither of these styles work flawlessly against his father there's just too much of a strength and experience difference there but he's landed more hits on him than anyone else

Is dad walks away after they finish their spar

Meg: Hey Kazuto is there anything you can tell us about your father

Hinano: yeah it feels like there's a wall of ice between him and us

Kazuto: yeah my he's been like that forever he's basically like a wall you just need to keep trying and eventually you'll break through

Meg: Huh really alright then

Kazuto then sees his dad talking to someone a big guy

Kazuto backs away his guard fully on

Nagisa: what's going on

Kazuto: that guy I know him akira takaoka

And just as he says that the man himself walks up

Akira: yo the names akira takaoka and I'm here to give your gym teacher a hand so whaddy say? Ready to have some fun?

He gives them all sweets and he's acting all adorable with them the class even starts calling him the class Dad

But Kazuto senses something is off and he sees his dad watching and they nod to each other something is wrong 


Akira: alright is everyone here things are going to be tougher than your used to but stick things out and we're talking more sweets

Rio: for us or are you really just saving them for yourself f

Kazuto: seriously I'd say you could stand to lose a few pounds

Akira: nope nope my figure is nice and girlish as you can see

All of them laugh except for Kazuto

He talks them through something

Akira: ooh then align with your new training regiment comes a new schedule

Kazuto: what the hell is this

Fuwa: we have ten periods now

Nagjsa: we train till 9pm

Akira: that's the idea little grasshopers just think of the pay offs this curriculum will turn you into lean mean killing machines
Maehara walks up too him

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now