Transfer student time!

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Kazuto is of course already at school and is relaxing in class

He sees a massive tech thing

Kazuto: huh what the hell is this

It turns on

?: good morning fellow student I am Arfa which is an acronym for autonomous, intelligence, fixed artillery

Kazuto: Uhh alright so what can you do

Aifa: well I can use a variety of weapons and plan out killing strategies better than any human

Kazuto has star in his eyes: awesome tell me an example

Aifa: very well give me a scenario

Kazuto: how would you take care of korosensei

Aifa: I would fire at him repeatedly allowing him to dodge every hit to get data on how he lives and then I would try again and that time once I have his movements fully into my database I can predict where he's going to go and the Fire

Kazuto: Sweet that's so cool

Aifa: thank you for the compliment fellow student

The class walks in and sees him talking to the machine

Nagisa: what the heck kazuto

Kazuto: oh hey guys sorry I geeked out

(If you can't tell no matter what universe he's in our friend kirito is still a tech nerd)


Karasuma: as you've probably already figured this is our mere transfer student autonomous intelligence, fixed artillery on loan from Norway

Aifa: it's nice to meet all of you thank you for having me

Kazuto: still so awesome

Korosensei laughs

Karasuma: thank you not to laugh this is a serious deal the Aifa is registered here as part of the foreign exchange program she'll be trying to kill you like every else here and has per our agreement you'll have zero recourse no fighting back, no harming her in anyway the arrangement we have concerning the students safety still applies

Korosensei: mmhmm you and your government might be extending that arrangement a bit too liberally but very well welcome to E class autonomous intelligence, fixed artillery

Aifa: thank you korosensei I certainly appreciate it

Korosensei goes through his lesson

Then suddenly a ton of weapons appear out of Aifa sides



Kazuto: AWESOME!

It unleashes a lot of attacks


Aifa: i understand The next round of fire will be aimed more carefully

Kazuto: it's strategies are evolving so awesome

Korosensei: stubborn aren't we

Korosensei defends himself then same way but it's finger gets blown off

Korosensei: oh dear

Kazuto: so epic

It goes through a lot calculations

Until it finally gets too

Aifa: probability of neutralising target before graduation minimum 90%

Be advised third attack is commencing now korosensei

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