Test time!

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Dam this is going to be an interesting chapter

Korosensei: let's begin shall we

Students: begin what exactly

Korosensei: studying for midterms of course

Kazuto is getting help with science since he sucks at it

Quick analysis on Kazuto

Best subjects include

English and Japanese he regularly gets high grades on them

Alright subjects

He gets high on maths on a good day but most of the time he scores mid to slightly above average but when he really focuses who knows math is a subject he's good at but doesn't care about maybe with a. Good enough teacher he could push past his limits

Social studies is alright he knows a good amount about that

But science is his worst subject since well he honestly hates it, there's way too much of it and it just seems boring too him but he's determined to do well

Kazuto just pays attention to the korosensei teaching him

Korosensei: there are you starting to wrap your head around the material Kazuto

Kazuto: yes sir please keep going I can handle more

Korosensei: that's the spirit

This keeps going until Kazuto starts his homework since his dad keeps him hear after home time so everyone leaves and kazu keeps working

He listens in and apparently a C class teacher was told by a student that an E clas student with long black hair beat him up after class

Kazuto: (It's more like he beat himself up really)

He goes back to working until his dad walks in

Karasuma: so I hear you gave another student a beating

Kazuto: well here's what happened he noticed that I zoned out a bit during the assembly I only tuned in for the important stuff and stopping professor bitch form harassing Nagisa

Karasuma: alright fair enough so what's this about you beating up a c class student

Kazuto: well he said I should show respect so I respectfully told him to fuck off and then he attacked me and I dodged and gave him a slight nudge and he fell flat on his face he then said he'd kill me which I responded with I'll be waiting for it anytime anywhere

Karasuma actually let's loose a small chuckle: Alright there's no problem here but maybe you should of skilfully tripped him it'd of looked like he just tripped on thin air

Kazuto: fair enough I'll do that next time

Karasuma: so tomorrow then

Kazuto: probably

Karasuma the proceeds to tell him everything the principle said

Kazuto: dam that guy

Kazuto is shivering

Karasuma, hey son what's wrong

Kazuto: I'll never admit this to anyone but you, the principal I've encountered him a few times back when I was on the kendo club

Brief scene of him getting completely destroyed by him in a kendo match

Kazuto: is whole vibe

It scares me

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora