XX time!

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Hoping to get season 1 done today anyway let's get started

They are in a theatre room with a guy who is an absurdly good shot rinka tries to shoot but misses


Kazuto: dammit those backlights

Gastro: this is going to be like a four star killing cook free for all

He fires through a gap in the chairs almost hitting rinka

Kazuto: Damn that was close

a bullet flies right right through the chair he's behind and right beside his head

Gastro: I never forget an enemies position once they've Fired acquired that trick in the army Think of it as battlefield synesthesia I can echolocate Dishwasher, the hostel gunfire With pinpoint accuracy and check my own done by taste now, then, Heh I know there's one more stolen firearm out there

Korosensei: stand by hayami hold your position Wise decision, not to fire Chiba well played our opponent doesn't have a lock on you yet hang tight and wait for my signal I'll keep an eye on him and tell you when it's time to shoot

Gastro: tch where is that come from

He notices korosensei and tries to shoot him but of course it doesn't work

Korosensei: a season marksman vs adolescent assassins our modest advantage will I think he quite enough

He tells them tehem all to move

KAZUTO 4 seats right!

Kazuto: (heh on it teach)

They all keep running around

He throws him off by chasing their names


The said assassin moves as he's told

The student who checked out Takebayashi favourite maid cafe only to discover to discover he kinda liked to discombobulate the target by kicking up a racket


Kazuto stiffiles a laugh

Rio: you'd look good in a maid dress you know

Kazuto's face flushes: shut up where they hell did you come from

Rio: I'm everywhere

Gastro: who's whi where are they I can't even

Korosensei: alright Chiba the moment of truth is upon us get your bearings my boy when I give the command fire at will, hayami you're on, follow up as needed Focus on blocking the enemies evasive manoeuvres now, a word advice to our coolheaded sharpshooters Who flubbed the assassination attempt earlier today
Don't let one failure overshadow the skills you've worked so hard to cultivate The best of us fall short of our abilities from time to time you Maintain a facade of stoic nonchalance but feel burdened by the confidence your classmates place in you all the same if you guess at your inner anguish I bet you aren't even the only person who feels this way in class I'm looking at you our recently discovered assassin

Kazuto gasps

But for everyone, it's there just below the surface

Kazuto: (I always had confidence in my skills maybe too much and when when the Monet of truth came to back up my classmates just in case they failed I couldn't do it I hesitated)

Korosensei: you're not alone in this, you give it a brave face but you needn't bearthe pressure on your own

Rio puts a hand on Kazuto's shoulder and nods with a smile

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara