Vison time!

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The class are hiking down the mountain for some reason

Karma: Hey Nagisa and Kazuto o heard you too where real badasses the other day shame I missed it I would've loved to see the guys face

Kazuto: I don't worry I'll explain it too you later

Korosensei: alright class feast your eyes on this

Korosensei has made a swimming pool

Kazuto ties his hair up takes of his shirt and dives into the water

Kazuto is swimming around and goes over too Rio

Rio: Nagisa oh snap, you're really a dude

Nagisa: you didn't know that!

Okano: we had out doubts

Kazuto is laughing so much he almost falls over

Rio: oh you've got no reason to laugh first time I met you I could've sworn you where girl

It was time for Kazuto to be embarrassed and for Nagjsa too laugh

Korosensei is being a real life guard constantly nagging people but they are just having fun

Kazuto: ugh what a pain

Rio: I guess being a life guard really goes to some peoples heads

Kazuto: you got that right

She leans over to Kazuto

Rio: but if I get to see you shirtless I'm not complaining

Kazuto blushes like crazy and goes underwater to avoid people seeing

Rio laughs at him Kazuto being angry and embarrassed underwater

Korosensei turns all type A

Hinano: oh come don't be such a stick in the mud you need to loosen up

She splashes him

Korosensei: EEK

Rio: umm did he just scream like a chick

Kazuto: he did indeed that was weird

Karma starts shaking the big life guard thing he's on

Korosensei: karma what are you doing?, stop it all fall in are you listening to me I said stop please!

Maehara: wow

Kazuto: (is he ok)

Isogai: are you ok

Korosensei: don't read too much into it I just didn't feel like taking a dip at the moment that's all it's certainly not as though water causes my fingers to swell up or anything

In the most Blatant lie possible he revealed a big weakness

Kazuto: (interesting)

Mimura: if you are never intending to get in the pool, why bother bringing that kickboard with along

Korosensei: this, this isn't a kickboard it's my afternoon snack

Mimura: naturally

They go back to having fun

Kazuto just let's himself float around until Rio comes up form beneath him and causes him to fall in the water

Kazuto freaks out slightly

Rio: ooh I finally broke that badass facade you had on

Kazuto: oh you are so gonna get it now Rio

Rio: oh come at me tough guy

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα