Summer festival time!

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Kazuto and Rio hang out on the beach all day the next day

Playing volleyball

Going swimming

So just getting a nice tan

Now they don't need to keep their relationship a secret anymore

Turns out they are doing a test of courage

Korosensei: this ocean cavern is the ideal spot I want eveyrine to walk together is in boy girl pairs

Kazuto: well Rio what do you say too a walk through a spooky cave

Rio: sounds like alot of fun Kiri-ko

Everyone seems exasperated by their display of affection

They walk through

Rio: so are you bothered by this

Kazuto: Nah you don't get scared of much when you've faced-

Rio: huh what is it

Kazuto: alright I'm not a fan of creepy music

Rio shivers when she hears it

and then blue fire appears alongside the sound of a creepy musical instrument

And he appears dressed all creepy

Both Kazuto and Rio flinch back

Korosensei: beware! You have entered a cave drenched in blood and tragedy for here routed in battle members of the ryukyu family met a mos Terri me and violent end

The fire goes out

Kazuto: is that true

Rio: uhh maybe

But he then appears behind them

Korosensei: you would be wise to stay together
They flinch again
Anyone left alone in this cave will be haunted by restless spirits

He disappears

Rio: you gotta admit he's clearly put a lot of effort into this

Kazuto: true true but to save us any more trouble let's pick up the pace

Rio nods

He hears them repeat it to the next couple

Kazuto: and immediately repeating it to the next couple

Rio: yeah ok that definitely adds to the realism

Korosensei apparently has been writing a book about love struck teenagers he already had Kazuto and Rio but they weren't nearly enough he needed more!

They hear him screaming about something

Kazuto: I feel like we should leave

Rio: sure but after I school you at twister

Kazuto: oh you are so on!

The two are just having a whole lot of fun and then realise they need to go after having a nice bit of privacy in a cave

Kazuto: Hey Rio do you remember when we first met

Rio: Hahaha do I you where transferred to my middle school half way through our third year, you where short, had long ass hair and you totally looked like a girl  i thought perfect  teasing material but this I got to know you and I thought you where awesome


Teacher: This Kazuto Karasuma he'll be joining this class for the res too the year

Kazuto: Hey nice ya meet ya I guess

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