Valentines time!

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Kazuto wakes up

Kazuto: damn can't believe I went to space and suddenly it's Valentine's Day

He walks out of his room and meets Nagisa in the corridor

Kazuto: Morning

Nagisa: good morning

Kazuto: this day is gonna be fun!

Nagisa: you said it!

Kazuto inwardly smirks

In class

Korosensei: Merry Christmas!

Students: Merry Christmas!

They all shoot him

Korosensei dodging: what a magical Christmas Eve and in February no less how festive

Then suddenly they are all in kimonos

Korosensei: happy new year! Out with the old and in with the new THATS right boys through yourself into study and of course assassination with renewed vigour

Now time to laze the day away

All the students sweatdrop confused

Fuwa: ok I get it now your trying to cram all the good times you missed out on over the winter break into February

Korosensei: precisely our only winter break together and not one of you came to visit, course I know you where worried about me and trying your hardest to find a soothing which is why it didn't seem proper to invite anyone over but still

Yoshida: seems kind of weird to be all bummed about it now don't you thin sir

Korosensei: water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned we'll simply reclaim the time we lost by having all the fun at once

Kazuto chuckles: (yeah this'll be interesting)

Later they are talking about high school

Nagisa: so karma what are you sights set on

Karma: I figure I'll just stay at kungigaoka

Kazuto isn't surprised at all

Sugino: your going to subject yourself to the entrance exam all over again

Kayano: wow seems kind of low profile with your grades you could get into any school you want

Karma: put yourself in the shoes of the on in main campus the guy they thought was exiled is suddenly back looming head and shoulders above em all what could be sweeter than sailing by an ocean of humiliated faxes for three whole years right

Nagsia: that's a winning personality you've got

Karma: plus there are tons of decent schools out there if all you care about is your transcript but do any of em boast an arch nemesis worthy of me I'm inclined to say no have fun while you can broader ambitions can come later what I want out of like now is a good academic battle or three

Kazuto: awesome

Karma: so Kazuto what's your high school of choice

Kazuto: that'd be what school Rio happens to go to we promised each other since that day we would stay by each others side and I plan to keep that promise plus I've already got my career sorted with my dad and the government so I'm all good with that so I can just enjoy my high school life ahh the fruits of torture are finally ripe and I can enjoy them to my hearts content

Nagisa: That's sweet kazu your choice sounds perfect

Kazuto: so Nagisa what's your choice have you picked one yet

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