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2 years later

The tour has ended.

It's been the longest but most fun time of my life. The confidence I found while up on stage throughout this journey is unreal. It makes me so excited to start doing this on my own, and I've been lucky enough that Mark has signed to the same label as Harry. Mark will now be my manager as well, and I couldn't have asked for a better person.

Speaking of, Harry and I kept it professional during the rest of the tour. It was tough, I won't lie. Seeing him all the damn time was harder than I thought it was going to be.

The way his eyes would always find me on stage or in a crowded room at the parties we attended, the pure emotion in his stare when his gaze landed on me. It was almost too much to handle, but I stuck it out.

We were friendly with each other but in a work-related way. We never hung out unless the entire band was with us. He and the guys went out when the boys were in the same city as us; I declined the offer Louis kept throwing my way.

And he asked a lot, although he made time to come visit me when he wasn't hanging out with Harry. I can't believe how close Louis and I got these past two years. We are as close as Jade and I are, which is crazy given how long I've known her.

She and Archer are still going strong. I couldn't be happier for her. Little does she know he will be proposing soon. Archer has been keeping me updated on the details of the plan. He even sent me pictures of rings. Jade is going to die of happiness.

Our last show was yesterday. Today, we are packing things up to head home. I'm so excited to see Jade, but she sadly said she will be busy tonight with a showing at the gallery. Promised me we would hang out the next day, all day.

I'm shoving my things into my suitcase, not caring if it looks pretty. Huffing out a breath, the exhaustion of the last two years finally hitting me, I reach over to grab a shirt when my phone starts ringing. Ditching the fabric, I pick up my phone to see Louis' name.

"Hey." I greet him, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder while I continue to pack.

"Hey! Are you excited to come home today?" He asks.

"You have no idea." I laugh. "After this tour, I might have to go into hibernation."

He chuckles loudly. "Yeah, there's no way I'm letting that happen. Did you forget that you are going to start having sessions in the studio in like– a week."

I groan. "Why did you have to remind me?"

"Because that's what I do." I can practically see the smug grin on his face. "This is your dream, Harlow. You can't reach it if you're sleeping your days and nights away."

"I know, I know." I agree with a sigh.

"What are your plans when you get home? Hanging out with Jade tonight?"

"No, she has to work." I blindly fold my shirt and lay it on top of a pair of pants.

"We could hang out." He suggests.

"As much as I would love to see you, I really don't feel like going out tonight."

Louis scoffs. "Who said anything about going out? We can order food in."

I'm quiet for a moment as I contemplate his idea. "A chill night in?"

"Yup." He answers quickly.

"Okay." I agree. "I'll text you whenever I land. I gotta start heading downstairs to catch the shuttle to the airport."

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