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One week.

That's how long it has been since I've seen Harry; since the incident at the club. I was so fucking stupid to let it get as far as it did but I was feeling the drinks and I hadn't been touched like that in what feels like forever.

I could have gotten it from anyone else that night. Fuck, I could tell that if I let him, Louis would have been up for it. I should have just done that but no! When alcohol is consumed I end up making terrible decisions.

I never told Jade about what happened that night. Once I snapped back to reality and realized what was going on between Harry and I, I quickly put an end to it and went to find Jade only to drag her out of the club.

She kept asking me what happened and if I was okay. I lied and told her I had too much to drink and I was feeling sick which she believed. Never in my life have I lied to her but I knew that if I told her the truth, she would never let me live it down.

Once we got home that night after the club, I went straight into my room desperately needing a release. I was so frantic about how he got me so worked up that when I opened my drawer to grab my vibrator, I had forgotten he had stole it from me. 

After the realization, I tried to get myself off using my fingers but every time I closed my eyes, there he was. I got so frustrated with the images in my mind that I ended up just going to sleep. I refuse for him to be the reason I have an orgasm.

Luckily, we didn't have any rehearsals this week due to the fact that Harry had an interview to prepare for. He is going to be on Jimmy Fallon tonight and had to take the week off to prepare. Not sure why a week is needed to prepare for an interview but who am I?

What do I know?

This past week I have been distracting myself with a lot of things, mainly running. I decided to start running around the neighborhood again to get my mind off of things. I run more than I probably should but it helps. Other than running, I've been reading, rewatching old shows and on some occasions, I'll let Jade drag me out for the night.

Whenever I do go out, I have that small fear that we will run into Harry. I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but just like if I told Jade the truth about that night, Harry would also never let me live it down. Sure I can't avoid him forever but for right now I can.

Today is Friday and earlier this evening, Harry had been in New York this week and taped his interview with Jimmy Fallon which means it is airing tonight. Jade kept asking me if I was going to watch it but I kept telling her no because I don't want to see his stupid face right now. It's bad enough that I still see it at times when I close my eyes.

Standing in the kitchen now, staring at our selection of wines, I grab the Pink Moscato and two wine glasses from the cabinet. Pouring the liquid over ice because I hate the taste of warm wine, I cork the bottle back up and head over to the couch where Jade is so comfortably sitting.

"Thank you!" She takes her glass from me.

I snuggle up next to her on the couch, letting a blanket drape over my lap as the wine glass touches my lips. Titling me head back, I let the bubbly liquid graze past my tongue and immediately swallow it, needing to get drunk.

"What are we watching tonight?" I ask Jade. "Scary movie, Romantic Comedy? Oh! There is that new movie with Channing Tatum in it!!" I get all excited but when I turn to look at her she is giving me a strange look. "What? You love him!"

"That I do but–" She presses a button on the TV making the channel change and when I watch what pops up I groan.

"I thought we talked about this?" I sink back into the couch. "I don't want to watch his interview."

The Backup |H.S|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن