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My head is pounding as if someone is taking a very hard object and keeps hitting me across the head over and over again. It hurts so bad that I don't even want to open my eyes because it feels like my head will explode if I do.

As much as I don't want to move, I need to get some medicine in me quickly. Slowly, I flutter my eyes open to see the sun casting light onto the black wall I am facing. His house is so fucking dark.

At the thought of being in his house, my eyes go wide as I remember the events of last night. What happened between us at the club caused a wave of embarrassment to course through my body.

The fact that some people watched Harry fuck the life out of me on that couch was probably the stupidest thing I could have done but it was only because I was high.


Yes... that was the only reason.

But then he brought me back here since I was too afraid to go back to the apartment given Jade would have been pissed at the state I was in. We had sex again and I can't lie, it felt absolutley amazing.   

The molly intensified all of the pleasure and emotions but I have a feeling that even if I hadn't taken the drug it would have still been incredible.

I may hate him but Harry knows exactly what he is doing in the bedroom and the fact that I'm admitting that to myself makes my eyes roll in annoyance. Pain shoots throughout my head like a lightning bolt pulling a whine from my lips.  When I open them back up, I notice a glass of water with two Tylenols set next to it on the nightstand placed right next to my phone.

Propping myself up on my elbow, making sure to keep the sheets covering my bare body, I wince at the pain in my back and the side of my leg almost forgetting that I fell off of his bed last night. Not only does my head and back hurt, my ass hurts from where he spanked me while still wearing his rings.

I grab the two white pills and pop them into my mouth then bring the rim of the glass, gulping down the water since my mouth was so dry. After downing the whole glass, I set it back down on the nightstand and sit myself up, back resting against the headboard. As I turn my head to the side, I find Harry lying there sleeping still.

He looks so peaceful right now. Probably the calmest and most relaxed I've ever seen him actually. If I wasn't hurting so bad, I would have tried to sneak out but what's the point? Harry isn't someone I'm never going to see again so there is no sense in trying to run and forget what happened between us last night.

"You're staring." He mutters with his eyes still shut.

"No I'm not." I bring my eyes forward, feeling embarrassed yet again.

"Don't lie to me Low." The bed shifts, making me look over to him. He lies on his side, propping himself up on his elbow.

"I wasn't staring at you." I lied again.

"Hmm.." He hums and brings his hand up to the bed sheet covering my body. He walks his fingers up my stomach and over my chest until he is met with the end of the bedsheet. Grazing it over my skin, he brings his eyes up to mine. "You know lying is a sin, right? Maybe if I teach you a lesson then you'll learn how to tell the truth."

My chest rises and falls, watching his eyes drift back down to his finger that is now lightly pulling down the white sheet. I lift my hand and push him away. "No thanks. Besides, I'm pretty sure premarital sex and doing drugs is also a sin so we are both going to hell."

"Great! I'll still have to deal with you even after I die." He huffs out a breath at his joke then he places the palm of his hand on my covered thigh. Bringing my hand up, I push him off of me again. "Oh come on Low! We both know you enjoyed yourself last night."

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