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Not crazy smut but it's something so I added the *


The drive to the Metropolitan Museum is silent for the most part. Our driver has the radio on quite low but the music is still loud enough for me to hear the words the artist is singing. I'm sitting in the middle of the backseat, Lori to my right and Harry to my left. Lori came along just in case we needed anymore touch ups before leaving the car.

Harry is uncomfortably close to me, spreading his legs in the small space which causes his right leg to press into mine. I know he is doing on purpose. His hands rest on his thighs where his fingers drum along to the beat of the music as he looks out the window. I never really took the opportunity to stare at all different assortment of rings that are lined perfectly on his fingers.

"Missing my fingers, Low?" Harry leans closer to me and whispers in my ear in a low tone. Embarrassment is clear on my face as my cheeks grow red.

I softly clear my throat. "Was just admiring your rings."

"Sure you were." He smirks and looks back out of the window.

My eyes stay in front of me, watching the cars driving in front of us when I feel his finger graze against my leg. My head snaps over to Lori who has her attention on her cellphone and then bring my eyes over to Harry.

He is still looking out the window but his pinky is gently rubbing the side of my leg. I don't want to make it obvious and rip his hand away from me so I just suck in a deep breath and focus ahead of me.

Finally, we arrive at the museum when Lori double checks our makeup and then gives us the okay to go. Harry opens the door and gets out first and as soon as his foot meets the ground, bright flashes begin.

He stands outside of the door, body facing me and he holds out his hand to help me out of the back of the SUV. Reluctantly, I take his hand and allow him to help me. The flashes of the cameras are brighter than I ever thought was possible.

"Don't look directly at the camera flash, it will blind you for the rest of the night." He gives me sound advice while shutting the door and once it is shut he just stands beside me, leaning closer to say something into my ear. "If at any point of the night you want to escape and finish what we started at the club just let me know." He gives me a wink.

"You are such an ass." I huff out a breath and shake my head.

Harry lets out a small laugh then leads us down the carpet that is barricaded with paparazzi and interviews. I'm calm and smiling on the outside but on the inside I am losing my fucking mind.

At certain points we are told to stop so that we can get our photos taken; some together, some on our own. When that is done, we approach the infamous stairs that lead up to another carpet lined with more cameras.

As we walk up the stairs, Harry is motioned over to do an interview so I just stay behind and watch. The answers he gives the interviewer are just flowing out of his mouth like he is talking with an old friend. He smiles and laughs at something she says and I'm not going to lie, it is impressive. I always found it impressive how he handles everything.

He finishes the interview and turns around, eyes scanning the area until they land on me. Stepping down the stairs he comes over to me and places his hand on the small of my back leading us up the main stairs.

The same as before, we walk then stop to take photos then continue to walk until we meet the entrance. Harry hides it well but I think it might be just as nervous as me since this is his first time at this event and I know he doesn't want to mess anything up.

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