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The rest of the week went by really slow. Maybe it was because of all the anticipation leading up to today or the fact that I had absolutely nothing to do. We don't have any rehearsals this week because the tour is about a month or so away and Mark was kind enough to give us a break.

The thought of going over to Harry's to talk about everything hasn't left my mind no matter how hard I tried not to think about it. I'm honestly surprised Harry didn't want to talk about all of our kinks sooner, given how excited he was that I agreed to this... arrangement.

To keep myself busy this week, I have been going over the set list; which songs we will be singing as well as looking over the sheet music just so I get it all down. I know for a fact I'll be fine but it's all starting to get to my head. We are going on tour soon and I don't want to fuck it up.

I've started running more around the neighborhood more to help clear my head and I know that I could have easily just went to the gym Harry works out at but I didn't want to risk seeing him. Honestly I didn't want to run into him or talk to him until I had to on Friday.

Earlier this week, I went down to the restaurant and quit seeing how I'm making enough money now that I don't need the job anymore. It was really sad having to leave them because the owners and Rachel have always been so nice to me and helped me whenever I needed them to.

Rachel was absolutely ecstatic when I told her the reason for me leaving. She made me promise to keep her updated on everything.

Speaking of updating, I have been posting more on my instagram lately. Everyone seems to be loving it seeing as all the comments are super sweet. My following has gone up a ton, I'm pretty sure I'm sitting at 350k which is still mind blowing to me.

I'm only a backup singer and I never expected to get this much of a following from it. Harry has in fact liked a couple of my photos to keep up the golden boy act.

Jade has been pretty occupied with work at the studio lately and when she isn't working, she has been hanging out with Archer.

The date went really well I guess and she seems to like him alot. I'm not quite sure if they are actually dating or not but I'm gonna assume it isn't official yet. She would have told me if it was since she tells me everything else about him.

Now Friday is finally here and I'm standing in my closet looking for something to wear. LA right now is pretty hot seeing that it is the middle of June and if you live in LA or have ever visited during this time, you know it can be brutal.

I pull a white baggy t-shirt off the hanger and slide it over my head and then slip into a pair of light washed denim shorts. Tucking in the shirt, I then accessorize it with a black chunky belt.

I probably could have worn a skirt or a dress knowing how hot it is outside but I don't want to give Harry the wrong impression of what is going to be happening. I am going to his place to strictly talk about the arrangement.

I already told myself we aren't going to be having sex tonight and I won't be giving in to his seduction because lord knows he will try. I never texted him back confirming that I'd actually be there but in my defense, he never texted me again to ask if I was for sure coming.

He only had sent me his address shortly after the first text he sent me so that I knew where to actually go. I'm assuming at this point he knew I was going to show up even though I never responded.

Looking down at my phone once I reach my bed, it shows that it is now 6:15 meaning I should probably head over to his place. I'm really hoping that traffic isn't too bad right now because I didn't really give myself that much time to get to his house.

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