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Las Vegas, Nevada

Tonight is our first show and I'm basically shitting myself. Why am I this nervous about it?

This has been my dream ever since I was little. I just have to keep telling myself that I was made for this life. Because I was.

The band had a soundcheck yesterday which went very well. Harry and I haven't spoken to each other since the club bathroom and the only time we did was if it was about the tour. Not gonna lie, I do miss sex with him. He was the only one that actually ever made me come and was happy to test the limits of my kinks but this is for the best. Eventually, it would have had to end and I think that it's good that it's over now rather than later.

We have a couple of hours until the show starts so we are all hanging out in the green room. I'm not sure what Harry is wearing on stage at any of these shows but I do know the rest of us are in one colored outfits to basically match whatever it is he's wearing.

The entire band was allowed to choose the type of outfit they wanted to wear. Mitch chose a suit while Sarah shorts and a vested top. I, however, chose shorts and a nicer tank top because I figured it would be more comfortable. And I was right. The fabric is so soft that I feel like I could take a nap in this outfit.

As the clock ticked on, the more my nerves were slowly starting to fade. Hearing the rest of the band talk about how excited they were to get back up on stage has been really helpful. My nerves started to disappear until Harry walked into the room sporting his outfit.

Which is all pink.

The trousers are pink and the vest on top is pink with a shimmery sequin fringe and no shirt underneath. The crowd will go wild over this. Scanning my eyes downward, his boots are cream colored to match our outfits. When I lift my eyes back to him, he is  suddenly standing in front of me.

When did he even walk towards me? I was staring at him the whole time. How did I not notice he made his way across the room and to me?

"You're going to drool all over the place if you don't close your mouth, Low."

Immediately snapping my mouth shut, I huff out a breath and walk away from him. Standing next to Sarah, I fold my arms across my chest while Harry begins to speak to everyone.

"First night of the tour! It's a bigger turnout than what we are used to-" He continues his speech and my eyes can't help themselves from trailing down his body again. His voice becomes muffled while my stare holds on the tattoos hidden behind his vest.

"I know it's been awhile since we've been out on stage and it being Harlow's first time with us." My attention gets pulled from his abs to his eyes that are piercing mine. "It's okay to be nervous. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but I know we are going to go out there and kill it!"

"Hell yeah!" Mitch cheers with the beer in his hand.

"Let's go out there and give it our all, shall we?" Harry grins and looks at all of us, eyes lingering on me for a moment.

The room erupts into clapping and cheering then the band is being escorted out into the hall to head towards the stage. It is dark in the arena but lit enough for us to see where we are going. When we walk to the stage, fans go crazy over the sight of us and it makes my adrenaline race.

Taking our places and getting our instruments ready, the intro to the beginning of the show starts.

"Style is the answer to everything." The voice booms through the speakers and the crowd roars with excitement. I can't help but smile. "A fresh way to approach a dull and dangerous thing." Da da da da. "To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it. To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art..."

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