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Setting everything up for the art show wasn't too bad. We had to display a couple art pieces for the night and put up a few tables here and there for champagne and snacks. Even though there was a lot to do, time flew while I was busy.

When I finally had the chance to check my phone I was so sure there would be a smartass text from Harry but there wasn't. The only notification on my phone was from Jade asking how everything was going.

Shooting her a quick text stating that it all went great, the art director, Mandi, makes her way towards me. Tucking my phone into my pocket, I make eye contact with her and offer a huge smile.

"Thank you again Harlow for all the help! We couldn't have done it without you!" She praises me.

"Oh I don't know about that." I shyly respond because I know for certain they would have pulled it off without me.

"I'm serious! You were such a big help today!" Her hand rests on my shoulder where she gives a big squeeze. "Why don't you join us tonight for the show? After all the hard work today I think you deserve a night out."

"Are you sure?" I question. I don't have anything to do tonight anyways so it would be nice to get out without Harry around. I feel like he is everywhere all the time.

"Yes I am sure!" She beams. "Why don't you go and get yourself cleaned up and then come to the show! Of course you will not need to pay for a ticket. I will give the woman who will be collecting cash your name."

"Thank you Mandi."

"Not a problem dear!" A loud crash comes from the backroom and Mandi's body goes tense. "I have to go see what that was. I will see you tonight!"

"See you then!" I call after her as she rushes through the gallery and to the back door.

Taking my phone back out of my pocket, I let Jade know her boss invited me to the event to which she replied back all excited. She told me the showings aren't really that fancy and that a nice sundress would be good attire. Even offered for me to raid her closet if I had nothing to wear of my own.

Thanking her, I close out of her text when a new alert pops up on my phone. It's an unknown number which never happens and for a moment I become scared. Since I've become a part of Harry's band, I've become more well known.

Guys have been creeping in my DMs but I ignore them because they are all sexual and sleezy messages. It makes me nervous with this number because what if someone, somehow got my number?

Unknown: Hey Harlow!

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Shit, sorry! It's Louis.

Me: How did you get my number?

Unknown: Might have snagged it from Harry but don't tell him because he'd be mad I snooped through his phone.

I quickly save his number in my phone before responding. There's no way in hell I'd tell Harry that Louis took my number from his phone. Just seeing the way he reacts when I joke about hooking up with Louis I know he'd be pissed he has my number.

Me: Your secret is safe with me lol

Louis: And that is why you are the best! Are you coming out with us tonight?

Me: Uhm I didn't know you guys were going out

Walking out of the art gallery, I get into my car and start it while the little dots show up to let me know he is typing.

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