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"Matt," Bethany said quietly as she watched her brother pace back  and forth. She had joined Matt and Elektra at the hospital very soon after she had gotten off of the phone with Elektra. Matt stopped in his foot steps, glancing at his younger sister, "Don't," he said quietly.  His heart was racing . They were in the waiting room. They were all nervous, waiting on any word about how Anya was doing.  Elektra was praying in Greek. Bethany joined in. Matt was praying under his breath. His own heart was racing as he prayed that his little girl would make it through this surgery. From where he was, he could hear her heart beat. 

"How long has it been since they took her back there?" Elektra asked, glancing up at the doors that led to the operating room that Anya was in.  

Matt sighed heavily. "Almost Ninety minutes," he said, stopping mid pace and running his hand through his hair. "But it feels like it was forever ago," he added.  He could feel his nerves getting worse as the minutes wore on. It was taking everything in his being not to bust open the doors  and try and find out what was going on with his daughter. He wanted nothing more to take her in his arms and run with her. He knew that she was in the best place . 

But that still didn't help the feeling that he was having. Anya was his little girl.  Matt took another deep breath as he tried to calm his nerves. Bethany got up and placed a hand on her older brother's shoulder. "I'm sure that she will be just fine," she said with comfort in her tone. A hopeful smile gracing her face as Matt nodded. "I know," he reservedly  replied.  

"But a large part of me wants to run in there and grab her. To hold her in my arms and take her out of here."

"Matt, if you had done that," Elektra chimed in, her own voice laced with worry. "Anya would've have died." She got to her feet and walked over, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding him closely. "She is in the very best place that she can be," she added. She rested her head on his shoulder. Matt sighed heavily, placing his chin on top of her head. He closed his eyes as his eyes began to fill with tears. He could feel the tears stream down his cheeks as Foggy and Karen made their way into the waiting area. 

"Any word?" Foggy asked quietly. 

Matt shook his head. "Nothing, but her heart beat is strong,'' he managed before his voice started to choke.  Foggy put a sympathetic hand on  his friend's shoulder. "She's going to be ok," he reassured . Matt nodded as a doctor and Clair made their way over to them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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