Thanksgiving part 2.

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"Come on, Daddy!" Anya called as she ran towards the door. The smells of the food being made filled the apartment as she ran . Letting out a few grunts as she  tried to reach the door handle, she got to her tip toes. Matt let out a laugh as he walked over and helped her open the door. "Hey guys," Bethany smiled, holding a pot in her hands. "Brought some green bean casserole to share," she said as she bent down and gave her niece a kiss on the head.

"I hope that's ok," she glanced over at Elektra. Elektra smiled as she took the pot and she gave Bethany a kiss on the cheek. "It's fine," she placed the pot on the table. "So glad that we are able to meet up in person," she added.
Bethany nodded as she picked up Anya and swung her around.  The young Murdock let out a laugh as she was swung.  Bethany let out a laugh and brought her niece in for a hug. Holding the young girl close to herself,  she smiled at her brother.

"How have you been?" She asked as she headed into the apartment.
"Pretty good, considering everything," Matt replied as he closed the door. 
Bethany sighed  as she put Anya down on the couch. Anya laughed and stood up on the couch cushions.

"Anya.."Elektra arched an eyebrow, watching her daughter from where she was working on the rest  of the Thanksgiving meal. Anya sat back down and placed her hands in her lap.  Bethany winked at her niece. Matt just shook his head as he opened the door again, before even hearing   knock.

"Hey Foggy," he greeted.  "How did..?" Foggy shook his head. "You know what, nevermind," he said as he headed into the apartment.  He waved to the others before walking over to his Goddaughter. He picked Anya and hugged her tightly.  Anya let out a laugh and hugged him back .
"Hi Uncle Foggy!" She beamed. "Hey Munchkin! Are you having a good Thanksgiving so far?"
The young girl nodded fast. "I helped Mommy!" She said with a proud nod.

"And she was an excellent helper," Elektra winked as she held up a spatula. 
"We tried to get Daddy to help," Anya made a frowny face. 

"Did he?" Bethany asked as she shot her brother a look. Matt put his hands up in defense. Elektra just smirked.  "He helped in his own way," she said.

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