Bellamy and Cricket

Start from the beginning

After meeting with Mashira and another pirate, they were taken to a place where a man named Cricket lives.

They were met with the sight of a castle.

"Whoa! He lives here?! It's a freaking palace!" Luffy exclaims.

"This Montblanc Cricket guy must be loaded!" Usopp agrees.

"Uh, I hate to burst your bubble but....." Yukiko said.

"Take a closer look; it's just a fake." Zoro finished.

"It's really unattractive." Sanji comments. Sure enough, the castle part is just a big wooden cutout covering the real house which is just a tiny hut that actually looks like it's been cut in half.

"Why exactly did Cricket leave and come here?" Nami asks Robin.

"I don't know all the details, but I think it has something to do with his belief that there's gold buried in the hills of Jaya." Robin answers.

"Gold?!" Nami exclaims excitedly.

"Why does everyone always push 'treasure' button around Nami?" Yukiko asked Pachi who shrugged.

After a while, they finally meet the person named Cricket.

However, he was in bad shape!

Chopper diagnoses the man with Caisson's Disease, an illness caused by gas bubbles in the blood when returning from deep under the ocean. He says that the man was most likely diving everyday and not allowing his body enough time to recover, and it finally caught up with him.

Helping Chopper with Amphitrite, Yukiko spoke to Cricket as was awake again.
"You should be lucky we came by, otherwise you would be dead now."

"We want to know how to get to the Sky Island!" Luffy says. "Do you know anything about it?"

But then Cricket erupts into laughter, "Don't tell me you actually believe that place exists?"

"You mean there's no Sky Island?!" Luffy demands.

"I don't know." Cricket says with a chuckle. "I know of only one man who's seen it, but he's considered a famous liar."

Luffy looks at Usopp incredulously. "Don't look at me!" Usopp demands.

"Noland's full name was Montblanc; are you two related somehow?" Sanji asks, from his spot at the table.

"Yep, Noland's my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather." Cricket answers. "I'm his descendant, but we're so far removed that I don't think a drop of his blood is in me." He goes on to tell the crew that his family name is still denounced even to this day because of what Noland did, even though his family has said that he was an honest person and wasn't lying when he said he saw a city of gold.

"I get it!" Usopp speaks up. "You're trying to find the city of gold to clear your family name!"

"Don't be ridiculous! I couldn't care less if the city exists or not! The actions of my ancestors have nothing to do with my life!" Geez, anger issues much? "You can't even begin to imagine what it's like, growing up ridiculed and laughed at because you're a descendant of that man!"

He continues to tells them that many of his family members set out to prove Noland was right, but they all failed. So Cricket left and became a pirate to get away from his family issues.

Anyway, in an ironic twist, Cricket ended up discovering this island where Noland said he saw the city of gold, and he decided to finally settle this matter once and for all. Ever since that day, he's been diving into the ocean, looking for that supposedly sunken city of gold, fulfilling what he believes is his destiny between him and Noland.

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