Yukiko's Wrath and Rashta's Trial

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When anyone looks at Yukiko, people would quickly say that she was an angel on Earth.

Kind, never harsh or demanding, helpful, and serene.

But only a handful of people knew how angry she could get...

And even fewer are brave enough to tell the tale.....

Before meeting Luffy and the crew long ago.....

The first was Giovanni of Team Rocket.

Upon learning he was why Mewtwo distrusted humans.....

Not only did she beat him as a gym leader, she also exposed his crimes and his real identity!

She also blackmailed him with hefty proof of him endorsing other famous Pokemon trainers who were secret agents for him, and his plot to take over Kanto.

When he wouldn't relent........well.........let's just say he wouldn't be able to have any next of kin....

The second was the Iron Masked Marauder.

He was not spared any anger after his actions nearly killed Celebi.

He was one of the few victims that got the electric treatment............he became afraid of any Pokemon that can use electric moves thanks to Pachi........

The next victim of Yukiko's wrath was Ghetis. 

Upon learning he used his own son for nefarious purposes........

And throwing him aside like trash once he rebelled....

He wound up becoming afraid of women after Yukiko decided to paddle him........

Then there was Pokemon Hunter Jay. 

With her crimes of inhumane capture of Pokemon, it was not hard for Yukiko to hate her.

Athough Jay almost got away, she wound up in prison..........

But she would end up screaming at night, yelling to keep Mimikyu away.........

Then there was a pair of aristocratic parents and a lady named Jessibelle who attempted to arrange a forced marriage with James, a member of Team Rocket.

As his parents had created psychological abuse of their son, and Jessibelle abused even her own Vileplume, with some probing, James' parents and Jessibelle were arrested for life, and all their property was given to charity as James wanted to be a free man. And that was the lightest Yukiko had done. 


Spandam would be next on the list.

He was said to have abandoned CP9 when Eneis Lobby was destroyed along with other members of the Marines to save his own life.

During the two years of training, Yukiko encountered him and informed him that she rescued CP9. He felt a chill when she told him he should be ready when they came back.

Until then, he would be traumatized of the nightmares Darkrai gave him.

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