Gear 5 Shenanigans pt 2

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(This is set before Jinbei and Bonney joins)

There have been times Nika would vaguely show in Luffy before he awoke Gear 5.

Some members of the Crew experienced it at one point, but it was only when Yukiko was around.


Zoro was finished training and about to nap as Yukiko was reading on the lawn deck. Luffy was on the side looking a little peeved. What makes the book more interesting than him?

He suddenly appeared in front of her to her shock.

"Yes Luffy?"

"I wanna have fun! Let's play!"

Yukiko just blinked but smiled. "Alright, I was finished with the chapter anyway. How about some Pokémon surfing?"

Luffy smiled and Zoro swore that Luffy's eyes flashed crimson a minute ago.
Nami and Sanji

Another time when the crew docked at a beach island, Nami took Yukiko for swimsuit shopping.

Naturally with ladies, the moment Sanji saw them, he did his noodle dance, singing praises.

Until Luffy punched him.

He then glomped Yukiko, almost hissing like a cat.

Nami thought that Luffy had Crimson eyes for a minute.

Sanji, before he spotted Yukiko...he saw that Luffy's heart beat out when he saw Yukiko. And his eyes even bulged out!
Usopp and Chopper

When Luffy officially became engaged to Yukiko, even before, he would spend a lot of time with her.

But he still made time for his nakama.

Then Yukiko walked by asking how the boys are doing with the fishing.

They were doing alright, considering they caught some octopi earlier.

Yukiko snuck a kiss on Luffy, who had turned red, and had steam burst out of his ears before fainting.

Chopper panicked and wondered if Luffy was sick.

Usopp, on the other hand, while he wondered how Luffy did that, he couldn't help but laugh.


Robin, Franky and Brook

The Mysterious Trio, as everyone calls them, would never deny that they found Luffy's antics sweet or cute when he was around Yukiko.

And other times they were amazed of how far Luffy would go for her.

"I just called the others. We need some muscle for this problem. I asked if Luffy could come." Yukiko said one time.

"Yeah, but we are in the forest, it could take Captain-"

"I'm here!" Luffy said as he suddenly appeared spooking them.

"Seconds?!" Brook finished, surprised.

"I didn't know Luffy could run SUPER fast." Franky said.

"Well, put Yukiko within a mile, he'd do anything." Robin giggled.


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