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even though y'all were quick with it. I can't believe y'all like this story so much. Like, I don't even know what to say. 


"It's four am, Silver; leave me alone." I slurred as he forced me up.

"She's here, and it's eleven am." Silver whispered.

I furrowed my brows, my vision blurry from sleep. "Silver, you kept me up all night, and now you want me to wake up this early for who?"

He gripped my cheeks, forcing me to open my eyes. "My mother."

I gasped, feeling very awake at the moment. "Already, but–"

Silver picked me up and set me down on my feet. "Get ready and pack some shit. You're going into hiding."

"No." I frowned. "Why?"

"You'll be going to a hideout, and you'll hide there with Rune's wife, Navi, and apparently Latara...since Aeros is apparently dating her." He answered, rushing me into the bathroom.

"But wait, what about Yana?"

Silver furrowed his brows. "What about her?"

"Wouldn't she be in danger too? She's been seen here, right? Isn't that why we can't stay here?"

Silver thought for a while before nodding. "I'll get her." He turned around and walked away, but I quickly called out after him.

"Wait, Silver," he turned around with a questioning brow raised up. "Are you ok?" I asked with concern. I knew what his despicable mother did to him, and I knew how much it really affected him.

He walked over to me, cupping my face, he kissed me. "I love you."

I frowned, nodding. "I know you do, but that doesn't answer my question. Are you really ok? I know your–"

"Kasia, I'm fine." He whispered. "I will be when we're done with this. For good."

"Ok." I nodded. "What will happen to Xolani?"

"We'll put her in school and get her and her son the right papers to actually exist in the gov–"


Silver blanked for a second. "Oh, I forgot to tell you." He sighed, looking tired of it all. "Xolani's been telling the truth about what she's been going through in the fucking cult. She has a six-year-old son, born out of rape."

I frowned, sympathizing with her. "How old is she?"


I gasped, covering my mouth. If she's nineteen and her son is six, I do the math. She was fucking thirteen when she gave birth?!

Silver saw the questions and concerns running through my head and nodded. "Yes, she was thirteen." He shook his head. "It was that man." He gritted. "That same man who ordered and watched my mother rape me."

"Silver, you shouldn't–"

"No." He sneered. "I'm going to kill them both. I have to." he let go of me. "Go pack up. I'll get your friend."

I nodded, still concerned, but if killing her would make him feel a tiny bit better, then he should kill her.

While showering, I thought about therapy. I knew that Silver wasn't going to go to therapy anytime soon. Even if he agreed, it wouldn't last very long. I wouldn't put any therapist in that position.

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