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How are you guys?

Anyway enjoy this chapter. 

I can't wait for the serious parts, I think I outdid myself (not in a good way) but I like the plot.

Guys, this is my longest book. Most of my books are 22-37 chapters, I'm proud of myself, but also might have to edit a lot of the story cause I wanted to end things so bad. It felt like I was dragging things but I couldn't leave out anything.

Anyways. Lemme stop ranting.


"Ok, what is this?" Latara asked when she opened the door and saw me, Analia, and Zaire. "I thought–" It's been three weeks since Latara came back from the Bahamas, and in that space of time, Yana, Analia, and I have been planning to set Aeros and Latara up.

Not as a joke. Like, for real. Yana did seem to think that Aeros didn't seem mature enough, despite being thirty years old, but Latara said that he was very mature. Latara wants what she wants, and it's clear they have chemistry when they meet up together.

"It's a set up," I said simply as Analia and I entered her house.

Latara tilted her head to the side in confusion. "I thought you were setting me and Aeros up?"

"We are," Analia snickered. "It's a double set up. He's coming over."

"You gave him my address?" Latara asked, surprisingly calm.

I nodded. "Y'all going to babysit together while Silver and I go to columbia with the tickets you got me."

Latara gaped at me. "Hold on, child, lemme grasp this." She said, chuckling threateningly. "You're making me babysit with a hot man while you're off on vacation with another hot man?"

Analia and I giggled, but I nodded. "Yes."

"That is so unsexy." Latara whined. "What am I going to do when we getting it on and the baby starts crying? Or you're hungry or some shit," she pointed her gaze to Analia.

"See, that's where I come in." Analia said, pulling on shades like she was an agent. "I will take care of Zaire and myself, just give me enough food, water, and money. You and uncle Aeros will be able to do sexy things. You have extra rooms in this house don't you."

Latara and I laugh at Analia's antics. "Yes, I do."

Analia beamed. "Great! And I have airpods, just in case you're a screamer."

Latara and I gasped. "Oh my god," she exclaimed, looking at me.

I shook my head. "This is not an appropriate conversation for a ten-year-old." I facepalmed.

Analia shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me. My uncles don't know you're not supposed to talk about sex around children and my mom didn't care."

I nodded slowly as Latara just gaped. "Ok. So, I'm going to get the transportable crib out of my car and put it here and then I'm going to leave everything in your hands, Ms. Lewis."

Latara rolled her eyes. "Great," she said sarcastically, taking Zaire from me. I quickly ran into my car to grab the crib and brought it back, almost falling off the stairs.

Silver doesn't know that Analia and I have different plans. We're going to Columbia in a few hours, and he thinks I'm dropping Analia and Zaire at Aeros's house. But, Analia has a job to do.

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