Start from the beginning

-That works too, let's go.

You walked to the jolly and got in, you had never been in it, it felt like being in a golf cart.

You looked at Lando and he smiled.

-Do you want to drive? -he asked you, your eyes shone.

-Really? -you were excited.

-Yeah, come on. -he got out and you did too, changing to the driver's seat. -We could drive around the city and then go for coffee.

-Let's do it! -you started to drive, Lando put on music.

You were enjoying the breeze on your face, the night sky, the city lights, you were enjoying the moment, you really weren't thinking about anything else at that moment. From time to time you glanced at Lando, he noticed and laughed, the smiles of both of you were so big that surely his cheeks also hurt as yours.

You arrived at the café, parked the jolly just outside the place, you handed the keys to Lando and you entered the café, you ordered and decided to sit on the terrace.

-It's been great seeing you. -Lando said and took a bite of his cookie.

-What do you mean? We see each other like, almost every day.

-Well, yeah but we never talk like this, we never hang out, you know?

-That's true and also, I'm glad we're friends.  -you smiled.

-Me too, sometimes it still hurts but I'm happy we're friends.

-I'm sorry, Lando.

-We're already moved on from the sorry part, don't worry. -he paused. -You don't know the effect you have on people, Y/n, you have no idea.

-What effect? -you giggled.

-I don't know, something in you is so magnetic, you're so special. -Lando said. -You have an inner light that makes you shine, and people notice it. You always want to make people laugh and just make them happy, even if you're having a shitty day.

-I don't know what to say. -you blushed.

-You don't have to say anything. -he replied. -I see it in your eyes. You're always smiling, and you have such a positive energy that infects others, even if you don't feel like a very positive person.

You were quiet for a moment, thinking about what Lando said, it was true to a certain extent, you have always liked to make other people feel good.

-Thank you, Lando. -you finally said. -This means a lot to me.

-I'm just stating the facts. You're a unique person and the world is a better place because of you.

-That's not true, the world is a better place because of you, Lando Norris. But thank you, that's like the nicest thing.

-Don't even mention it. -he took a sip of his coffee. -I just want you to be happy.

-That's my wish for you too. I'll always be here for you. -you smiled and he smiled back.

-What happened with Carlos?

-We broke up, I told you that.

-But why? -he asked, you felt nervous.

-I don't know, I don't really want to talk about this with you.

-I get it, it's hard enough as it is, tell me about it. -he laughed.

-Yeah. -you were nervous about lying to Lando and also nervous about the part that comes next, when Carlos and you can be public, it would be another explanation, when did things get so complicated?

-Carlos POV-

Charles was accompanying me to my room, it was already late, we had been talking after the movie was over.

-Have you talked to her? -I asked Charles.

-No, I told you, the last time was when she hung up on me, on us.

-You don't think she's...

-Doing something with Lando? I don't know mate, I honestly don't think so, she loves you, she's just angry. -he said annoyed.

-And what's up with you, Charles? -I opened the door to my room, he stood there.

-I hate she's going through this, you know Y/n, she doesn't like to be limited and told what to do.

-I know, I hate this too, I wish we didn't have to hide.

-Hopefully it'll be just for a couple of weeks.

-Anyway, thanks for letting me stay for a bit with you and Charlotte.

-What are best friends for? -Charles hugged me, we laughed. -I'll try to talk to Y/n tomorrow, you can call her too, I'm sure she'll be more calmed tomorrow.

-Yeah, maybe, I'll give it a try. -we said our good byes and I closed the door.


Lando's such a sweetheart, right?? 

Also Charlos >>>>>

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