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[Stella's POV]

Since today, I am also alone, I've contacted Minji eonni to go on a date with her. She also agree with me, saying that she's curious about something.

I've already know what she want to ask, cause I have a super power. Bet she wanna ask about my brother. Since he already announce about our relationship. She must be curious if I've ever told anything about her to my brother.

We promised to meet at the mall, in front of the movie theater. We want to watch Barbie the movie together, since we are both are girly princess, just a joke.

"Hi Stella!" A girl that use a full pink clothes greet me from behind, it was Minji eonni. She were very cute, like a princess.

"Hi eonni! Wah, you look like a Barbie." I said, complimenting her looks.

"Ani, you look prettier. Even if you don't even try to dress up." She said, reaching my hand and intertwining it as we walk to the theater hall.

We both look like a child right? Like very childish.

"Stella, did you tell your brother that I like him?" Her eyes were blinking so many times, making me speechless with her action. She's a bear, but act like a golden retriever.

"No, why would I tell oppa you like him? You must tell him yourself." I said.

I am always like that. If someone told me their secret about their crush, I don't like to tell other people about it. I rather prefer that them tell other about it themselves.

"I'm still not confident about telling him my feelings." She said, looking at the floor as we talk about that topic.

"Why not? Eonni are really really really pretty." I said convincing the girl in front of me.

Is this even real? The Kim Minji told me that she's not confident while she is the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She's the real definition of an angel. Not even a thing in her is not perfect.

"Still, I don't think that Sunoo like me though." She said.

"Why do eonni think like that?" I tilted my head curiously, why would she think that oppa will not like her?

"Doesn't Sunoo like other people? Did he ever told you about his type?" She ask me.

I recalled back my core memory with Sunoo. He never told me his specific type or anything, but I am sure that he has mention that he like someone with a good personality, in and out.

"Hm.. He told me that he likes someone with a good personality." I tell her.

"How is that ideal type? There's so many people that have a good personality." She said in disappointment. I totally understand her.

Even if Sunoo reject her, he might still want to be in a good terms with her cause that's just his personality. He never makes someone feel awkward with him, and also makes sure that the situation is as bright as him.

After watching the movie, both of us go back home since we don't want to be caught by anyone. We have been outing since the afternoon, and both of us were worried that there's someone that might be following us. The fans in this era are all crazy.

When I arrived at the dorm, I saw that all of Enhypen are already there. All eyes were on me when I enter the house.

"Kim Suna!" I heard my brother shout out my name. I probably will hear him scolding me after this, so I quickly go to my room. It was actually Heeseung's room, but I borrow it for a while until I go back to my own house.

"Yah! Open the door if you want to live." He said angrily, knocking the door aggressively.

After I put all of my things down, I open the door afraid that Sunoo will disown me.

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