19 ; funeral

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[Stella's POV]

Today were the day of the funeral. Since they haven't found any remains, we just proceed to do the funerals without it.

Sunhee and Sunoo were still sick, but they have no choice but to attend the funeral to give respect for my parents.

"Let's start praying." Sunoo said, leading both of me and Sunhee.

We bowed to our parents 3 times, before the others turn. The most heartbreaking part is when the others told us to cheer up because we just can't yet.

All of Enhypen's member attend the funeral as we invited them. They also had a sad face in their face, making me feels want to cry, especially looking at Ni-Ki's face.

He's far away from his parents. He probably miss them the most, compared to other. When I see him crying while paying my parents respect, I start to cry as well.

When they finish praying, I pulled his hand toward me, hugging him. What he need the most right now must be comfort. That's what I thought when he start crying.

"Don't cry Ni-Ki. You're very strong." We both sat down on the corner of the funeral hall, while waiting for him to stop crying.

He's just a baby, that probably miss his family so much.

"Suna-ya, I miss my parents in Japan. I really want to go back to meet them. Attending the funeral making me thinking of them." He said, while crying.

Poor soul. If I was him, I would secretly book a flight to see my parents. I wonder if the reasons why he want to sleep with me before this was to comfort me, and at the same times comforting himself too.

"Stop crying, Ni-Ki. Get up, I will prepare the food for you." I help him to get up, and bring him to the table for him to eat.

"Aigoo, Ni-Ki. Stop crying. I will bring you to Japan if you stop crying." Jay said, trying to calm him down.

Ni-Ki, you have such a good brothers with you. Don't worry, they will take a good care of you.

"Here, eat this." I said giving him a bowl of spicy meat stew and a playe of boiled meat.

"You're so strong, Suna." He said before putting the food in his mouth.

Of course, I need to be strong Ni-Ki. If not, who will take care of my siblings.

"Yah, Suna!" Jay suddenly shouted from the praying area making everyone flinched.

"Wae oppa?" I said after arriving there just to see that both Sunhee and Sunoo were already lying on the floor, collapse.

"Ottoke?" I said, panicking.

If I go to the hospital, no one will take care of this praying area. If I don't go who will be their guardian? I'm in dilemma.

"Suna, you stay here. Me and Jake will bring both of them to hospital." Jay said.

"Thank you so much, oppa." I said while unconciously holds his hand.

"No worries." He ruffled my hair, before carrying Sunhee, while Jake is carrying Sunoo.

I am so grateful to have someone to depend on. Especially right now. Now, there's only me, and Ni-Ki left in the funeral hall.

The other has left earlier because they have something to do. I don't think there will be another guess coming. So, I clean up a little, before I sit down at the table, beside Ni-Ki.

"You're done eating?" I ask.

"Yes." He replied shortly.

"Let me clean it up." Before I could stand up, he hold my hand.

"Suna." He called my name, in a low tone.

"Hm?" I am confused.

"Can you go back to Japan with me?" he ask.

"When?" I ask him back.

"Later I tell you." He said.

"Okay." I said, putting a smile on my face.


"Promise, Ni-Ki."

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