08 ; goodbye letter

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[Third Person POV]

Finally, the filming has come to an end. Today was the last day for the couple as husband and wife. Their very last task is to write a letter to each partner.

Last night, the two were stargazing in the yard till midnight. Since it was already morning, the staff were playing Stella's song 'Divine' as the alarm.

"Whoa, waking up with a good song really make me happy!" Heeseung said to the camera as soon as he wake up.

He walk to Stella's room to wake the girl since he knew that she will not be awake by now. For a week in a row, he's been waking the girl up in the morning.

After getting ready, both of them go to the kitchen for breakfast. The staff already prepared breakfast for them.

"Do you know what we will do after this?" The curious girl ask as she grab a bite of the sandwich.

"I'm not so sure. Perhaps we will have another mission." The boy replied.

After eating, both of them cleaning the kitchen with some romantic act. The director ask Heeseung to do a backhug when she was washing the dishes. All of the romantic acts is scripted, not initiate by the couple itself.

"You're so small." Heeseung said, putting his chin on Stella's head. She was so cute that Heeseung always feel like he want to hug her tightly.

"No, it was because you're so big that I seem so small." The girl pout.

After finishing the work, both of them walk to the living room with their hand intertwined.

"Now we will ask the two of you to make a letter for each other, sincerely."The director said.

Ah, this were getting too emotional. Both of them seems like they don't want to finish the filming.

While they were making the letter, the director played Enhypen songs so that it doesn't feel so empty. The song was Stella's favourite song, 'Blessed-Cursed'. She even memorize the lyrics.

"Is this your favourite song, wife?" Heeseung ask.

"Yes, this was my favourite. Especially Sunoo sunbae's part." The girl explain.

"I see. So you like Sunoo too." He nod his head and then continuing doing his letter.

The time given for making the letter has finished. Now both of them need to give it to each other, and they need to go back to their own room, so that it will be more like 'letter'.

[Stella's letter to Heeseung]
Hello my husband for a week! I hope that you feel comfortable with me during the filming. I'm sorry if I have done anything that make you uncomfortable. I really really really feel happy when filming with you. I am touched by how you would wake me up every morning cause I sleep like a log. Thank you for taking care of me this whole week. I cannot imagine how it was without your help. Thank you again my husband. In the future, please find someone who loves you unconditionally, and find someone good.
I love you, husband.

"Whoa, this feels like a love letter. I wonder how she will react when reading my letter. This is so sincere." His manly tears comes out after reading that letter. She make him feel loved.

[Heeseung's letter to Stella]
I don't know how to start my letter but, thank you so much for being a good wife to me. You are really caring and you take care of me well. I feel like I have found my own happiness in this show, that is because you are really a fun person to be with. In the future, I hope that we still can interact with each other without feeling awkward. Thank you so much, Stella.

Her tears falls like a waterfall after reading the heartful letter. She appreciate all those moments that both of them makes during the filming, and it feels hard for her to say goodbye.

Both of them comes out from their room, when the sun down. They hug each other before going back home. This was their goodbye.

"Thank you so much for everything." Stella said when she was in Heeseung's embrace.

"Thank you too, my wife." He peck his lip on her forehead.

Thus, the 'We Got Married' show has come to the end. The title 'husband' and 'wife' are lifted.

Q ; Today is the last day of filming, how do you feel about that?

Heeseung ; Honestly, since I was in this show, I've never been happier than this. It was really sad that it have come to the end. During the show, I was able to show the different side of me, that even I don't know I have that. I am so grateful to be included in this show, cause it make me experiencing how hard it was as a husband. To our fan, please support this heartwarming show!

Stella ; I am... very sad that this show will end today. Now, I realise that the responsibilities of a wife is really big and honestly I am very glad that I am able to experience it. For me, Heeseung were really good husband, he never raise his voice at me and take care of me everytime. So, I was grateful for that.

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