Well so far this was not as exciting as being a bounty hunter, but she had promised Lauren she would give it a go. At least everyone was behaving so far they had been old enough. Although she was sure, the girls just entering the back of the queue were no way old enough. Killian leaned in and whispered, "So what's she really like then because she looks like a real ball-buster." Camila looked at him as he grinned his mouth full of black and missing teeth.

Camila played dumb "I'm not sure what you mean," she said, shrugging her shoulders. She kept checking IDs.

"Come on, I bet she is the top I bet she loves telling you what to do," Killian said. She was doing her best to ignore him but found it difficult. "Or is she one of those types that secretly likes to be told what to do."

"Look I am not telling you anything one it's none of your business and two it's inappropriate" Camila stated.

Killian looked at her. It's like he didn't hear her. "I wouldn't mind being the meat in that sandwich if you ever need to spice things up I'm available" he grinned.

"Hell would have to freeze over before you went anywhere near us" Camila spat she felt her stomach lurch at the thought of it. He kept smiling at her looking her up and down.

"It doesn't have to be both of you. I'm sure I and you could still have a good time" he said leering at her.

"Yeah, it's still a hard pass I would rather join a convent than sleep with you! Can we get on with our job!" Camila sighed.

"Your loss love! If you change your mind" and he winked. The young girls were at the front of the queue now and made a beeline for Killian.

The first girl ran her hand down his arm "We have accidentally left our IDs at home can you let us in just this once" she purred. "I'm sure we could thank you for being so kind when you have a break."

"Hey, Killian you can't let them in Lauren, I mean Ms Jauregui will lose her license if they get caught," Camila said.

"Who asked you!" snapped one of the other girls. Killian just smiled and let them through.

Camila turned to Danny. She knew it wasn't best to say anything, but she couldn't let Lauren get in trouble. "Come on, Danny you know they're underage if they get caught we are all out of a job," Camila said.

"Killian, you know the rules no if they don't get in!" he said. Killian glared at Camila as he stopped them from entering. "Camila go inside and swap with Phil please." She looked at him. This was so unfair just because she stuck to the rules. She sighed and walked off inside. She crossed the floor to where Phil and Wayne stood.

"Hey Danny says you have to swap with me," she said.

"Fuck it's cold outside," he said, and Camila just shrugged. "It must be nice to be able to do what you want." He shook his head and headed to the front doors.

A couple of hours later, Camila stood at the side of the dance floor keeping watch for any signs of trouble. That's when she noticed the young girls from earlier surprise surprise they had found their way in. She had been sent in here so they could do as they liked outside. They must have been in for a while because they looked wasted. Camila turned to Wayne "They're underage and wasted" Camila said pointing at the group of girls.

"Damn, let's get them out of here," he said as he set off towards the girls. Camila followed behind him. "Come on, girls you've had enough, and you aren't supposed to be in here Let all just leave quietly," he said.

Camila put her hand on one of the girl's arms to help her, and she shook her off "Thanks, I can manage Mom!" Camila pulled her hands away and followed them out, making sure they left. She escorted them outside, and one of the girls stumbled as the fresh air hit her. Camila reached out and stopped her from falling.

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