Lauren turned to Camila and looked serious "I can't do this any more Camila" she said. Camila's head snapped around to Lauren, and she looked confused. "I can't live apart any more I want you and Henry to move in with me permanently. He has stopped over a few times now and seems happy I want my family with me all the time."

"Damn, Lo you nearly gave me a heart attack try starting with the moving in bit first" Camila laughed. "And it's a yes I want to be with you too." Lauren leaned in and kissed Camila on the lips, and a tear fell from her eye.

"It's not supposed to make you cry it's supposed to make you happy," Lauren said wiping a tear from Camila's cheek.

"I am happy I just finally have what I have always wanted a family" as more tears fell. "I never thought I would then my white knight came along" Camila smiled.

"I think we both saved each other I never thought I could love anyone like I did Tyrone and you broke down my walls and brought your amazing son with you," Lauren said. Camila kissed Lauren again after a couple of minutes, they parted.

"We need to stop before your father sees us making out" Camila chuckled.

"It won't be worse than what my mother saw" Lauren laughed. "I have told the girls that I won't be in this weekend. I want to get you moved in as soon as possible. I think seeing as Shawn has Henry this weekend we should take him Friday to pick out some stuff for his room I want him to feel safe and happy in his new room."

"Sure that sounds great no spoiling him though I know what you're like just practical things for his bedroom," Camila said. "Do you think we can get it all done in a weekend?"

"I don't see why not you don't have that much stuff we can hire a van plus if we can't get it all in one weekend there is no rush to sell as long as you're with me by the end of the weekend," Lauren said.

"We need plenty of time to christen all the rooms" Camila whispered winking at Lauren.

"Oh, we will be doing that, don't you worry, Miss Cabello, I have a lot of rooms" she smiled. "On a serious note though you will need to tell me what we need to make it safe for Henry I don't want him getting hurt. Maybe a lock on the kitchen door that way it will be safe from you too."

"Haha very funny" Camila laughed as she playfully poked Lauren in the ribs. "One day I'm going to cook up a storm for when you come home like a proper girlfriend."

"Please don't," Lauren said. "If you insist on being in the kitchen, why don't I teach you a few recipes."

"Ok, that sounds good," Camila said. "As for Henry, we just need some safety locks on the cutlery drawer, any chemical cupboards and just stuff like that make sure any keys are out the way." Camila rolled up her jeans to her knees. "Right I'm going to retrieve my son and give you some time with your father" Camila smiled.

Lauren grabbed her hand "Thank you for doing this today, babe" she said.

"You're welcome babe, I would do anything to make you smile," Camila said. She ran and picked up Henry "Last one in the sea goes to bed early" Camila laughed.

"Just remember we have a change of clothes for Henry but not you" Lauren shouted and Camila stuck her tongue out. Lauren went and sat on the sand next to her father. "Thanks for coming daddy today its been great."

"Thank you Lauren it's the most fun I've had in a long time" he smiled. He watched Lauren as she watched Camila and Henry splashing in the water. "I'm glad you found your happiness Lauren you deserve it." She took her dad's arm and rested her head against his shoulder. "Would you consider giving your mother another chance, persuade Camila to come to dinner again and maybe bring Henry."

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