"They're not friends if they do that, Camz," Lauren said as she rubbed Camila's back.

"He just gets so overwhelmed and can't cope with the world around him" Camila whispered. "They don't tell you about this in the parenting books that one day, your hand is the only thing stopping your child from banging his head in distress against the wall or the ground. And that you will spend your nights alone crying yourself to sleep worrying about the future and what happens when you are gone, who will love him."

Lauren took a deep breath fighting back the lump in her throat. "I will make the same promise to you that you made to me even if we aren't together when you feel alone you call me, and we talk, or I will come over."

Camila looked up at her "do you mean that?" she asked.

"I never say things I don't mean Camila and I certainly will keep this promise" Lauren whispered. "You have been there for me, and I want to show you I can be there for you; you are an amazing woman and mother Camila."

"Don't you will start me off again" Camila chuckled. "If your comfortable and want to, I think you should start getting to know Henry."

"Of course I would love to, we could arrange a meal at Granny's after our weekend away" Lauren suggested.

"That sounds great and it somewhere he is familiar with" Camila smiled, Lauren was making this so easy.

"If you would prefer to relax at home tonight, we can leave coming round to mine," Lauren said. "I know it must take it out of both of you."

"No way! I wouldn't pass on a night with you. I will be around as soon as Shawn has picked up Henry" Camila insisted. "I better get going don't want him sleeping too long he will never sleep tonight for Shawn then." Camila kissed Lauren "Thank you."

"Anytime and see you soon" Lauren smiled as she reluctantly let go of Camila and walked back into the store.

Camila smiled as Lauren opened the door. "You do know you can just come in you don't have to knock. I knew you were coming," Lauren said as Camila walked in.

"Are you sure what if you aren't decent" Camila laughed. "Mmm, what can I smell?"

Lauren leant closer to Camila and whispered in her sexiest voice "I'm never decent when you're around Miss Cabello." God, that voice did things to Camila as she walked into the lounge. "I decided to relax my rules a little, and we can eat in the lounge."

Camila looked like a cartoon character as she saw what Lauren had made for dinner. Her eyes nearly out on stalks. Suddenly she dropped down onto one knee in front of Lauren and took her hand "please marry me" she laughed. Lauren had made homemade pizza, and it looked delicious.

"Get up you idiot" Lauren chuckled and she pulled her hand out of Camila's and sat down on the sofa. Camila pulled herself onto the couch next to Lauren. Lauren held her hands out "So if I offered me or the pizza right now, which would you pick?"

"As Joey would say, put your hands together," Camila said smiling waiting for Lauren's reaction.

"You're disgusting," Lauren said pulling a face "You're not eating pizza off me. Dig in," she said gesturing to the food. Camila picked up a slice and moaned as she bit into it, there were none of the greases from takeaway pizza. All the ingredients were fresh and so tasty. If Camila hadn't known better, she would have thought she had died and gone to heaven. "Those noises you're making are almost obscene" Lauren laughed.

She grabbed a plate and put some on it and picked up a knife and fork. Camila turned "please tell me you are not about to eat pizza with a Knife and fork?" Camila asked.

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