Lauren laid back and swirled around in the glass, and the music slowed as the act came to an end. Lauren carefully stepped out the glass and glided down the stairs to massive applause from the crowd. Camila clapped and cheered as Lauren bowed, she ran her hands through her wet hair removing it from her face. Then she left the stage walking down the side steps. Camila was just about to get up to meet her and tell her how good the show was. When an older blonde walked up to Lauren and hugged and kissed her on the cheek, Lauren seemed quite happy to see her.

Camila turned to Normani, who was still all over Dinah and got her attention. "Who's that with Lauren?" Camila asked.

Normani looked around Camila "Erm I think she is an old friend not sure seen her around here a couple of times" Normani replied. She saw Camila's face "I wouldn't worry. I'm sure she is just an old friend."

Camila shrugged "I'm not worried I might go over there and say hi." Normani rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Dinah. Camila got up and walked over to where Lauren and the mystery woman were. "Hey, great show," Camila said checking out the blonde stranger.

Lauren turned and smiled "Hi Camila. This is Alexa, she is an old friend and Alexa this is my friend Camila." Camila's heart dropped as Lauren introduced her as just a friend she held a hand out to Alexa.

"Hi Alexa, I'm just Lauren's friend," Camila said, the second part under her breath. Alexa looked at her hand like it was some poison and reluctantly shook it. Then there was an uncomfortable silence as the three of them just stood there. Camila was the first to speak; she had to get out of there; it was so awkward, and she was a little annoyed with Lauren. Plus clearly, Camila was intruding as neither spoke. "Well, great show I will see you later Lauren," Camila said forcing a smile before she left.

Lauren gave her a quick smile as she walked away. She noticed as soon as she left, they started speaking again. Camila was feeling a lot angry as she got back to their table. She grabbed her jacket. Dinah looked up "Are you ok Mila?"

"Yeah, I just need some fresh air will be back in a bit" as she strode towards the exit of the club. What the hell was that Camila thought as she walked out the door and leant against the wall outside. Camila thought they had made so much progress over the past couple of weeks, and Lauren acted like she barely knew her. She knew Lauren struggled with relationships, but they were more than friends at least to Camila. For one thing, Camila didn't sleep with her friends! Would it always be like this with Lauren something casual, especially around others? Maybe Lauren thought she wasn't good enough to be anything else.

All this upset Camila more so she walked to the corner and hailed a cab, she needed somewhere quiet to get her head straight.

Lauren walked over to the table with Normani and Dinah sat at it. She rolled her eyes as she sat down. "Mani for god's sake put her down" Lauren sighed. "Where is Camila?"

Dinah sat up "She said she was going out for some air, but that was ages ago." Dinah looked at her phone, but there was no message from her.

"One of the door staff said they saw her getting in a taxi, has she gone home, I was hoping she was staying till the end and coming home with me," Lauren said.

"I guess so she hasn't texted me, so I don't know" Dinah shrugged.

"Okay I will give her a text and see what she is up to, you may resume, but don't miss your slot Mani you're up in twenty!" Lauren said as she got up to leave.

Camila sat in Granny's Diner. She hadn't felt like going home. She nursed a glass of whiskey as granny pottered about in the kitchen. She didn't feel much like talking to anyone either. She flicked her phone to silent as it kept going off mainly Lauren and Dinah. She didn't want them worrying but was not in the mood to talk to them either.

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