Chapter 7

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Rubes look around in a panic when she saw Althea missing. Instant fear settled in her bones as she ran around looking for small, pale woman.

She didn't see any sign of her.

"Yeilk Althea is gone!"

"Go and look for her. Take some of the women."

He order for the men to clean up while he went off on his own search.

Rubes and the women search everywhere they could think of.

"She not here,"a female name Nala said. Rubes pull at her hair. She should have been watching her. If something happen it will be her fault. Althea know nothing about this world. She's not fit for a life out there.


They run into the direction Nala pointed. If they listen carefully they could hear the small voice screaming.

Yeilk who was nearby heard and ran into the forest where the screams were coming from.


"Help me!" He follow the voice and came up on a serpent dragging her.

With a cry of pure rage Yeilk make a large swipe and the serpents head separate from its body.

Althea crawl away and huddle against a tree. Sobs rock her body as she shake from what just happened.

Yeilk walk over and pick her up effortlessly. She cling onto him.

He walk out of the forest to see the women standing there.

"What happened?"Rubes asked.

"Serpents,"was all he said before walking back to the tribe. The women follow behind him with a frown.

It's wasn't Yeilk first time killing a serpent tribe member. They are always intruding on his tribe when he's not looking. They always go for the women in his tribe. He was at war with their leader Loes for years after what he did to his mother.

Loes always pushing his luck and that luck was running out.

He got to his home and enter. Placing Althea in the bed Rubes start tending to her hands and knees immediately that has been skinned.

Althea pull her leg back as whatever Rubes put on her knee was burning.

"Why did you go into the forest?" Yeilk asked.

Althea look up at him. "I didn't,"she said quietly.

She was far from the forest. She was not crazy to go near it much less into it.

"I was by the big boulder."

Yeilk walk out leaving her with Rubes.

"Is he mad?" The last thing Althea need is the giant man being mad at her. 

"Yes. But not at you. It's means you could be in possible danger from other tribes and we could possibly be going to war with other tribes in the near future."

"It's my fault isn't it?"

She felt tears prick her eyes as she think of all the troubles just her being there is causing.

"It's not your fault. You being here is just an opportunity they see to stir up trouble."

"What is Yeilk going to do?"

Rubes chuckle but there was no humor.

"Knowing my brother he already plotting ways to get back at them. He's not going to let this pass. Especially when you're involved."

Rubes give Althea a knowing smile. She like how naive Althea is.

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