Chapter 28

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Althea woke up in the middle of the night to pain in her abdomen. She wouldn't be in labor because it's too early. It's not time for her baby to be born.

"Yeilk. Yeilk wake up." Yeilk sit up quickly. He has become a light sleeper since she got pregnant. He want to be able to know when she need him.

"What is it is it time?"

"Too early. But it hurt."

"I'll get the healer."

"Hurry." Yeilk hurry out to get the healer. She curl into a fetal position as the pain spread. Tears came to her eyes as it got worst.

Yeilk came back with the healer.

"It's OK."

"She's in labor."

"No it's too early."

"Chief you're having your baby."

"Just make it stop!"

Hers cries woke everyone up.

Everyone gathered outside as Yeilk step out.

"What is it brother?"

"She's having our baby."

"Yes! Finally!"

Rubes has waited for this moment forever.

"Is she going to be OK though?"

"I hope so." Yeilk pace outside the door as waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Then finally the healer came out.


"You have a daughter Chief."

Yeilk went in to see the new addition. Althea smile up at him as she hold her baby.

"Want to hold her?"


"She won't bite." She held up the little bundle to him. He take their daughter, not knowing how to hold her. She was way smaller than the other babies he ever held.

She has a full head of hair, pale skin but the rest of her features were from Yeilk.

"She's so small."

"Give her a name?"

"Pixie. They are small." She chuckle. She didn't expect that. Bit it's kind of fitting.

Yeilk hand Pixies back to Althea. She tuck the blanket around her.

"You should rest. I'll look after her." He kiss her head before tucking her in and setting Pixie beside her.

He sit beside the bed in a seat. He lean his head against the wood and close his eyes. He was a light sleeper so anything wake him.

In the morning Yeilk went out and hunt her something for her to ear. The baby can't go outside for a few days and Althea will take no visitors. It was make clear. Even Yeilk has to make sure his hands are clean before tending to Pixie.

"Don't walk around too much."

"I'm find. I need the exercise."

He frown but let her walk around. 

"I thought babies cry alot." Yeilk held up Pixie turning her this way and that.

"Not all of them. We were just blessed with a quiet one."

Pixie was minding her own business.

Althea sit back on the bed.

"How long do I have to stay in here?" She has gotten so use to being outside that being inside too long make her feel like she's about to lose her mind.

"Just a few days then you can go wherever you want."

She nod and settle onto the bed. She can survive a few more days.

The Barbarian MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin