You looked up at Loki, who seemed to be braving the snow storm with ease. He didn't so much as flinch when the rough pieces of ice struck his cheek. He almost seemed to relish in it.

"You're seriously not bothered?" You asked exasperatedly.

"By your presence? Indeed I am." Loki answered, an unbearably pleased smirk spread across his face.

"Fuck off." You told him with a sour look. "What gods did I piss off to have me be stuck with you-"

You suddenly feel the solid ground beneath your feet crumble as you plunged into the depths of the icy cold water of the lake.

Before there was fear, there was shock. You didn't move for a moment as you felt your face enter the water. Then, it dawned on you.

You will die if you don't swim.

As quickly as you can, you flapped your arms as gracefully as a young bird trying to fly, to try and get your head into the open air.

You heard muffled curses from beneath the water.

Then they weren't muffled no more.

"You insolent wretched thing!" Loki yelled out of sheer panic, searching for rope or thick strings in his pack.

"Loki!" You screamed, your throat ached as you did so, having swallowed the freezing water during your... plummet. "Help me! Loki! Please!"

"Hang on!" He yelled.

Where the fuck was it?

He just rolled it up-


He quickly fished out the rope from his pack, immediately throwing you one end as he held on tightly onto the other.

"Hold on as tight as you can!" He shouted.

Scrambling for every bit of strength left in your body, you tried to pull your weight upwards, using the buoyancy of the water to your advantage.

When Loki felt a harsh tug, he began pulling on the rope as hard as he could to get you out of the water.


It was cold.

So cold.

Too cold.

It was proving more and more difficult to stay conscious. You can't even feel your skin anymore, your muscles too. Hells, even your bones.

You barely left Loki pulling you by your arms once he got your form out of the icy water.

"Hey. Hey!" Loki tried to get your attention. If drowning didn't kill you, hypothermia will.

Your mind was barely alive. You could only give him a dazed look in response.

"I'm going to need you to stay awake, alright?"

You gave him a small nod upon hearing the word "awake".

"Good," said Loki. Your legs were numb and jelly-like. You could barely stand on your own two feet. You were practically leaning your whole body on Loki.

"Fucking hell, woman." He grumbled beneath his breath as he braced himself to carry you in his arms.

He felt your head roll onto his shoulder, your neck barely keeping your head straight.

"No, no, no." Loki ordered, nudging your head with his shoulder. "Stay awake."

You didn't respond.

"Come on, sorcerer. Talk to me. Tell me how much you hate my whining. Come on." He said while trying to shake your legs.

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